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  1. It worked 😎 Thanks πŸ‘
  2. Thanks, πŸ€“πŸ‘ I did the download but itΒ΄s not the kind of backup I need, like, this is a Plesk Backup and it doesn't have the htdocs folder or any of my webpage files (.html, .css, .js, .php, etc...), and the bkp file I've got only have files with information about pesk panel. I was wondering, could you "unsuspend" that account for about 24h (or less) so I can log into it and copy those files? This way I can also delete the account in plesk panel
  3. Thanks πŸ˜€
  4. Yes, this is the acc I want to keep. I've created the other one (madmaverick) while I was recording a YT video teaching how to create an acc at johnny's and how to upload files using plesk pannel. I dont' remeber if I have something saved in htdocs or the data bases, can I check it or can I have a backup from the files there?
  5. What's the other one?
  6. My account has been suspended and I believe that it was suspended in error. Can anyone help me? host: rafasantoni.heliohost.us username: rafasantoni Thanks πŸ€“
  7. Ty, I'll be more careful next time
  8. Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this kinf of issue I can't load my website and when I try to get access to cPanel it says that johnny.heliohost.org took too long to answer my HelioHost username: rafasan the server your account is on: johnny your HelioHost main domain: rafasantoni.heliohost.org
  9. Hi again, I was wondering, Do you have a backup from my DBs so you could restore?? I had a problem with then a long time ago so I'm not sure if you still have them. This is the topic that solved the issue: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/22660-solved-my-databases-are-empty/
  10. ty very much indeed
  11. Ok, I'll make a new account... Can I use the same username and domain as before?? My username used to be: rafasan My domain used to be: rafasantoni.heliohost.org
  12. OK, ty in advance... Let me ask a silly question: my account (cPanel), domain and subdomain are now down or they don't exist anymore?? I'm making this silly question because I tried to renew the account after posting here and I don't if I messed something into the server
  13. a. your HelioHost - rafasan b. the server your account is on - not sure, i guess it's on Johnny's c. your HelioHost main domain - rafasantoni@heliohost.org I can't log into my account and when I try to access my page I get an error message saiyng that it is not possible to find the DNS address
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