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About luanfrj

  • Birthday 08/20/1988

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  1. I am also facing same issue in my domain luan.eng.br I configured LetsEncrypt long time ago. But today it stoped.
  2. Thanks for support! Everything is working now
  3. Hi Krydos, I am here annoying again... I think after change the main domain something was lost in MX records. I am not receiving emails in Google Workspace anymore. It's possible to check and include these MX Records in domain luan.heliohost.org: Name/Host/Alias* Priority Value/Answer/Destination Blank or @ 1 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM Blank or @ 5 ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM Blank or @ 5 ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM Blank or @ 10 ALT3.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM Blank or @ 10 ALT4.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM Would be possible to users edit these DNS settings in Plesk as we did in cPanel? Thanks, Luan
  4. Thanks Krydos! I tested here and mail is working successfully now. Regards, Luan
  5. Hi Krydos, Good news is that email domain is luan.eng.br. But mail-tester show something wrong with DKIM https://www.mail-tester.com/test-9gmv8za7i
  6. In this case you can set the luan.eng.br as main domain. I will search about change the PHP settings too. I think sendmail get by default username@domain
  7. Hello, Here is the result from mail-tester: https://www.mail-tester.com/test-fvr1p2lhf I have a MX record that send e-mails from luan@luan.heliohost.org to Google Workspace. If domain luan.heliohost.org be removed, it will keep working? Thanks, Luan
  8. I am sending email from PHP software on the server using mail() function.
  9. Hi, I enabled the DKIM in Plesk, but I didn't find how to set the DNS records. I am using Heliohost nameservers. I would like that e-mails could be sent from contact@luan.eng.br, but actually they are sent by luanreis@luan.heliohost.org (in X-Postfix-Sender). Is it possible to change? Regards, Luan
  10. I reissued certificate and problem was solved. Thanks for the help!
  11. Hello, Since yesterday the certificates of my domains are showing as invalid: luan.eng.br and luan.heliohost.org, in Plesk they show ok, but in browser it appear as expired since 2022-07-28. Regards, Luan
  12. I am also facing the same problem. I created a new user luanreis_luan for database luanreis_afiliate_data but it shows the owner of database is postgres user.
  13. Thanks a lot wolstech! I didn't state that was the cause. I will convert the eol from \r\n to \n
  14. Yes, these scripts work. But the one in python return error 500 https://luan.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/example.py My .htaccess is like that:
  15. Hi Krydos, I added the .htaccess file, but Python still not working. In the same dir a Perl CGI script work https://luan.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/teste.pl and even a C one https://luan.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/teste_cgi.cgi
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