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Everything posted by beebedl2

  1. Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MYSQL "Although the systems database map includes a MySQL user named "beebedl_admin", the MYSQL server reported that no user with this name exists, Contact your sys admin. domain= ulearnit.org I am assuming this happened after my account was un-suspended Please help!
  2. WOW!! I implemented a captcha to prevent this. Can you reinstate my account?
  3. Account is suspended for unknown reason. I am also having issues with password reset. I am assuming its related to the suspension.
  4. WOW! that is certainly not me.... if we need to remove the email address causing problem, please do !!
  5. Account unable to renew account beebedl
  6. Thank you very much!!!!! Its working now
  7. Hello I am getting an error when accessing my website - Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL When I try to do anything with my database I am getting these errrors Although the system’s database map includes a MySQL user named “beebedl_admin”, the MySQL server reported that no user with this name exists. Contact your system administrator. Error from MySQL query: DBD::mysql::db do failed: Unknown database 'beebedl_a6647456_ulearn'Failed to use beebedl_a6647456_ulearn: Unknown database 'beebedl_a6647456_ulearn' usernmae = beebedl website = ulearnit.org
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