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Everything posted by roote

  1. same problem for me...
  2. greenday is just another american trash band...
  3. is the movie really worth the price?
  4. bush cuz kerry is stupid enough to be with bush...she can't run a country...
  5. i'm the only one not believing that there r 4 ppl here that r from antartica?!
  6. no one born a criminal, they grow to be one, and at the same way, they can change and start a "new life".
  7. i think men are to much desiring for power, so it can't be until all men kind will understand that power is not the most important thing - it's the love and peace that important.
  8. firefox for sure...all the extensions, the themes and ofcourse the tabs thingy...
  9. amd has really low cost 64bits...
  10. it's not the computer it's the operation system... mac is the best for every espect (except maybe games) but it's very (very very!) expensive... after mac? ill take linux
  11. what about video.google.com?
  12. when kde4 will be out, combined with suse 10, linux will have the most pwnd kick [bleeped!] desktop look.
  13. i don't get what everybody's talkin about. Did someone gave a link and deleted it or something? can u plz explain what is the gates to hell thingy is all about?
  14. seen them all before but 10x
  15. never saw that game...thanx for the pics
  16. funny ones
  17. what's the point?!
  18. Fuzzle?
  19. 1526
  20. sooooo true!
  21. great one! loved it!
  22. the harley is really good
  23. pretty good. reminds me my childhood as a heavy domino player...(:
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