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Everything posted by daksh143

  1. No i just had uploaded the wordpress installation and some of plugins. at once. That is the reason?
  2. this much does file zilla generates this much ftp connections when i am uploading? if yes any alternatives please ?? thanks for being friendly. Nowadays not so much hosts have this type of support. :) Lots of love,
  3. Nope i cant. It says server timed out... may i know from which reason i am blocked on firewall?? Thanks.
  4. nope i can't it says the connection timed out..? and which firewall i am blocked? Edit: sorry i have posted reply twice. When i posted this there was power failure at my area so i thought this post was not made so i posted twice.
  5. Any one noticed that stevie server was acting wierd yesterday?? And today after evening it is down too... Any maintanance task going on......? i need to upload files but ftp is too not working... And can someone tell me who are modrators or admins here..? because it is good to ask them instead of posting a topic. Sorry if i am in not correct section.
  6. Thank you Mr Mod.... And lots of love for awesome host with truely friendly fourm support.
  7. solved..! I just opened phpmyadmin and there was written local host in top left corner so i set the wordpress config host name to localhost and it worked. Thanks Mr. Mod for quick reply. Now where i can mark this thread as solved??
  8. I would have added it manually but i dont know the host name of my newly created database. can you guide me where i can found it.if i found i can install it manually with no hassale. Thanks for quick reply Mr.Modrator and sorry for my noobish questions. But i am new to this things. @wolstech
  9. Hi there people, i need to install wordpress on this host but the automated installer softaculous gives me these 2 errors.. The MySQL Connection could not be established. The MySQL Connection could not be established. any solutions ?? Please can someone can eloborate whats wrong there,??
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