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About aigarspl

  • Birthday 02/16/1997

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  • Interests
    Webpages, webservers, media, IT,

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  1. Received and checked it. Now I can say that we can close this case. Thank you, guys. You're the best.
  2. Received, but that's referred to site what I planned to move away from here as soon as I get my server properly created. Can you look over that profile which is mentioned earlier here, please? P.S. I'll be honest and say I'm sorry that I broke one of ToS rules (one user with multiple sites), I do deserve some punishment about it.
  3. I tried already, it returns that it can't find backup file for me (look screenshot in attachment).
  4. Okay, sorry, that I'm recalling on this. Noticed that Tommy and Ricky have their backup archives created. Maybe, I can get my files, because soon you will start (if it's not started already) whole rebuild process. So, please?
  5. It's not a rush for me, I can wait until you find archive or rearchive it before Ricky will get rebuild.
  6. Hey. I know situation what's currently happening on HelioHost. I'm glad that you got things cleared out by changing control panel to Plesk (I can't wait to see new possibilities coming by Plesk). This time I type here because I noticed that my website got archived. Maybe, since it's already archived and I could host site on my own server while things get setup, can I ask for that archive? Details to identify: Account: sttest Site: sttest.tk Hosted on: Ricky
  7. I checked the received backup => it's not my site's backup.
  8. Hi! I've heard that there was time when users were able to get data, but I missed it. Can any of admins send me a backup? Username: aigarspl Domain: druvatest.heliohost.org Server: Johnny (old setup)
  9. Hi! As I know, Johnny was crashed down long, long time ago. Few days ago I checked page to see maybe it's back. I saw that server "Johnny" is back, but not correctly set-up, so I was unable to view my page. How long will you (admins) need to finish setup? Account: aigarspl Domain: druvatest.heliohost.org Server: Johnny
  10. Hi! I have the same problem: I changed theme from "paper_lantern" to "x" and I can't switch it back. Can someone change theme back to "paper_lantern"? Info: HelioHost username: aigarspl Domain: druvatest.heliohost.org Server: Johnny Please, help me, I can't continue my work!
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