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  1. I'm trying to vandalize and/or shut down a large scam site called ogtrk.net, which has been used to take over many of my friends' social media accounts and spread spam. I found that they use cPanel: http://ogtrk.net:2082. Can someone point me to a good tutorial about brute-forcing a password through Kali Linux (or any other tool)? Thanks!
  2. I haven't been able to connect to my cPanel recently because every time I try to, I get an error saying "the connection has timed out" or "the server took too long to respond". I have also gotten a couple of internal server errors (code 500). Is this due to high load, and if it is, when should I be able to log in? (This problem has persisted across multiple WiFi connections and devices, so I doubt it is my network/computer)
  3. Or would it be better to send a decent donation and upgrade to Tommy (which I think comes with a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate)?
  4. Thanks!
  5. May I create a temporary Johnny account to use until Stevie is back up? I'm sure I've seen a post about this, but I can't seem to find it.
  6. Ok, it's good to know that I didn't harm anything. Thanks!
  7. I had been experimenting with a web app, I had MyAdmin open to look at a table and occasionally truncate it. In the SQL section, I tried to open the 'Browse' section in a new tab, but it took me to the 500 error page and it hasn't worked since.
  8. Thanks, Wolstech. Is there anything I could've done to cause the crash that I need to stop doing in the future?
  9. About ten minutes ago as of posting this, I was working with PHPMyAdmin. However, in the middle of using it, it stopped working- it took me to a 500 error page telling me the page stopped working. I exited and tried to get back in, but with no luck. I noticed a large string of SQL errors during the redirect: Could someone fix this problem, whatever it is?
  10. I will. Thanks for your time
  11. My username's trevord. My domain is trevordarley.heliohost.org in case you need that, too
  12. Thanks! I'm really sorry, but now I can't find the file itself... All dotfiles seem to be showing, but I don't see it anywhere. I tried searching for it in 'All my Files' but the search didn't return any results. Is there something I need to do to generate it?
  13. Thanks, Byron. I was using x3, which did not have that option. Once I switched to paper lantern I found it
  14. I'm trying to set up a 404 Not Found page, but I can't find my htaccess file. When I first started using my cPanel, I disabled the popup asking what directory I wanted to open, which I now know contained the option to show hidden files. Is there a way I can get that popup back/ show hidden files/ find my htaccess file? Thanks!
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