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Everything posted by HaxR

  1. Ah ok, thanks!
  2. Hey guys, i remember i've read somewhere in the forum that i need to put an ADS on my site to keep it alive or need to post minimum 1 message in the forum. Is that right or just a bull**** i've read somewhere else? xD Regards.
  3. Site works now. Thanks for your help anwyay! =)
  4. Sorry for bad language, but who is DDoS attacking is just a big ***********. It's just non-sense attacking a free web hosting!
  5. Hi, may i know if my site has been doing any progress?
  6. Aww x2... That's too bad, i was gonna start to build the site in the weekends... Thanks a lot for the help anyway! =)
  7. Aww, still can't log in... =/ EDIT: i logged with my username in lowercase as you said and the e-mail said.
  8. What an aggressive way of asking help of a free host? Dude look at my topic... Just calm and light.. No need to be that rude.. It's a free hosting service.. And don't change your idea, as far i know, Helio has been the best for me (i've got a couple of friends who are using this and shared their account with me).
  9. Ok, thanks a lot!
  10. Hi, my username is HaxR and domain name dammateam.co.cc
  11. Sorry again for disturb. But i can't still login after 48 hours... What's going wrong?
  12. Thanks for the replies, admins. However i'm going to build a site and a forum for an online CoD4 gaming clan... But why did you ask? Are there any problems that i don't know about? Regards.
  13. Hey guys, i just wanted to inform you that i can't still log into my cPanel. I registered yesterday at 9.01 GMT+1 and now is 13.29 GMT+1. Sorry if i look like a guy in a hurry but i just wanted to be sure if i have any problem with the hosting. Thanks in advance.
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