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Newbie (1/14)



  1. How to clean the malicious files from my account? I don't have a pc now. Can you do it for me? Or can you tell me the malicious file names so I can delete it manually? One thing more, I'm still getting the suspended page in my website. So I was unable to login to cpanel.
  2. HelioHost Username: sgj Server: stevie Main Domain: sgjava.tk
  3. a.) HelioHost Username: sgj b.) Server: johnny c.) Main Domain: sgjava.tk
  4. Hello, I'm developing a J2ME Application using J2ME SDK Mobile. All steps are completed when reaching to the Prevification process it fails. I'm getting the following error: I've granted all permission. Can anyone tell me why these happens? And how to fix it?
  5. Here is my .htaccess contents:
  6. I was unble to start a Ruby On Rails App named "sgj". When I'm clicking on the "Run" icon to start my app, I'm getting the message: but when I'm getting back to the previous page after starting the app, I'm seeing the app status is "Not Running" as was before starting the app. I've tried to reload the page as mentioned on the heliohost wiki but, this time also I'm seeing that, the app status was not changed. So I want to know that, how to change my app status?
  7. a.) HelioHost Username: sgj b.) Server: Johnny c.) Main Domain: sgjava.tk
  8. I've created a DJango Project named "djangotest" and 2 DJango Apps named "admin_tools" and "test" (following HelioHost instructions). My "test" app is working but "admin_tools" app is showing the following error: The URL of the App: http://www.sgjava.tk/djangotest/ Directories I've the following directories: Contents of urls.py Please help me to solve the problem
  9. I've created a DJango Project named "djangotest" and 2 DJango Apps named "admin_tools" and "test" (following HelioHost instructions). My "test" app is working but "admin_tools" app is showing the following error: The URL of the DJango app: http://www.sgjava.tk/djangotest/ Directories I've the following directories: Contents of urls.py Please help me to solve the problem
  10. I've created a DJango Project named "djangotest" and 2 DJango Apps named "admin_tools" and "test" (following HelioHost instructions). My "test" app is working but "admin_tools" app is showing the following error: The URL of the DJango app: http://www.sgjava.tk/djangotest/ Directories I've the following directories: Contents of urls.py Please help me to solve the problem
  11. I've created a DJango Project named "djangotest" and 2 DJango Apps named "admin_tools" and "test" (following HelioHost instructions). My "test" app is working but "admin_tools" app is showing the following error: Directories I've the following directories: Contents of urls.py Please help me to solve the problem
  12. I've created a DJango Project named "djangotest" and 2 DJango Apps named "admin_tools" and "test" (following HelioHost instructions). My "test" app is working but "admin_tools" app is showing the following error: The URL of the App: http://www.sgjava.tk/djangotest/ Directories I've the following directories: Contents of urls.py Please help me to solve the problem
  13. I've created a DJango Project named "djangotest" and 2 DJango Apps named "admin_tools" and "test" (following HelioHost instructions). My "test" app is working but "admin_tools" app is showing the following error: Directories I've the following directories: Contents of urls.py Please help me to solve the problem
  14. Hi, I'm trying to install a database softwere but when visiting Softaculous, I'm getting the following error: So, I'm requesting to Heliohost stuff to review and fix the problem.
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