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  1. Please explain... What type of Illegal Activity? What I had done illegal?
  2. But why?
  3. a. HelioHost Username: sgs b. Server: stevie c. Main Domain: sgservices.tk
  4. I was unable to insert data into PostgreSQL Database. I've done everything correctly, but I'm getting sql error on query. Please try the script and tell me what's wrong with the script. Here is the URL:
  5. Sir, I've a css stylesheet and a page to apply the stylesheet, all things are correct. But the problem is, when I load the page the stylesheet also applies to the page correctly, except the "border". The border must to have to fill the full width of device screen horizontally, but the border fills only half of the screen. Here is the files: Please check the files and tell me what's going wrong?
  6. a.) Heliohost Username: sgs b.) Server: Stevie c.) Main Domain: sgservices.tk
  7. Sorry sir, I'm on a mobile device. When I've turned off the "Mobile View" then the problem was gone... Sorry for my mistake.
  8. Hi, I've created a code highlighter with php. The code highlighting is done. And I want to show the line numbers but I can't. The line number shows but not correctly. Please help. Here is some files related to my problem:
  9. Angular JS (AJS) @ngatest], So, you want to know about Angular JS, please check it, http://www.w3schools.com/angular/angular_intro.asp
  10. Can you tell me, are my all codes are write for the project? And I've updated the source files in /src directory you can check them here (all files in the /src directory are included with my project): http://www.sgpaste.tk/src/
  11. Ok, I've updated all files in /src directory, now all the files are in the /src directory are included with my project. Check it here: http://www.sgpaste.tk/src/ and fix my problem... And my project includes following files: a.i) login.php (only html form/page1) a.ii) validate_login.php (for validation) a.iii) functions.php (functions used in login.php and validate_login.php) a.iii) login.func.php (function used in login.php) b.) mpanel.php (members area/page2) first of all user goes to "login.php" and enters his/her login details then, the "validate_login.php" validates/checks if the details are exists in database. If matches then, if the use has checked the 'Automatic Login' (checkbox) then, the "validate_login.php" sets cookies for username, password & autologin and redirects the user to "mpanel.php", or if 'Automatic Login' (checkbox) has not checked then, the "validate_login.php" deletes the cookies, registers session for username & password and redirects the user to "mpanel.php".
  12. I've done it and the script now works but, I'm still getting the warning in beside of the checkbox And I think the setcookie() function is not working.
  13. Ok, can you tell me that, exactly where is the problem? I mean Line number or something like these. Here is my validate_login.php file: Source file: http://www.sgpaste.tk/src/validate_login.php Original file: http://www.sgpaste.tk/includes/validate_login.php But, I've to keep the setcookie() and header() function.
  14. I couldn't understand clearly. Can you please fix the code and give it to me?
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