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Everything posted by ayushc13

  1. a. ayushc13 b. stevie c. gamingrepacks.cf I dont know the reason behind the suspension because i was too busy with my exams. Let me know the reason atleast please, and try and remove the suspension as soon as possible if you can that is. Thanks anyway
  2. I think I could try but I think I will get suspended again . But I still would like to try, if I fail, I might just make a backup and forget about this work. Well I got kicked out of other hosts because of high resource usage , but I don't know how I managed to keep it under the radar here. Thank you for trying to help me out
  3. man seriously? I don't even host the files, I just provide links, aint that supposed to count for something? Its like I am getting punished for no reason. I Would atleast like to get a backup of my database, please? I have been sick and tired of changing hosts for over a month and atlast i thought that I had found the perfect host but still No, If you cannot reconsider my website then fine but atleast give me a copy of the database atleast, i dont if i dont get the files but i need the database, pleaseeee
  4. Hello I have been using wordpress for my site and some people tend to use www. before the domain, which should redirect or show the same page as the domain but due to some reason, when my site is accessed through www. portal, it shows "Database Error", while my site when accessed without www., it shows up just fine. Could you help me with this, you can check out my site: http://gamingrepacks.cf with and without www. before it. Thank You
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