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  1. Hello, I own a free subdomain on heliohost, and I also own a domain on eu.org . What I've done was pointing from eu.org a ns record to afraid.org nameservers, and from there I pointed to my heliohost website (cunidev.heliohost.org) via a CNAME record, but it didn't work, I get the HelioHost account queued page. I also tried with an A record. I cannot use HelioHost nameservers directly because they don't allow me to park a .eu.org domain (guess because cpanel just allows to park a domain, and a .eu.org is considered a subdomain). I asked on IRC #dns about this problem and they told me that it's a virtual host problem, and i need to ask the administrators. Can you solve that problem, so i can point from another dns server to my website via A or CNAME? Thank you for the excellent customer service
  2. It was just an example to say that some code which isn't officially in php code
  3. no, it's a cms
  4. What do I have to write here in .eu.org? Thanks Technical information Fill Name1...NameX and IP1...IPX respectively with the fully qualified domain names and (only if necessary) the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for your domain servers; put the primary at the top of the list. Please provide at least two nameservers. You don't need to fill all lines. IP addresses are only needed when the domain names for the servers are within the requested domain.
  5. I don't agree. It's more a pacific protest: you don't kill, your damages can be easily reverted from the admin. It's more like going in front of White House (example) and protest
  6. wolstech: PHP is a server-side language, and not all code which isn't between <?php ?> is executed anyway. Example: <?php function showDiv() { ?> <div id="test">Hello, world!</div> <?php } ?> If showDiv isn't called from PHP code, that code will never be shown, even if it's not in PHP code
  7. Hello, can someone correct and give me some advices for my project, or is it considered spam? Thanks
  8. Can you add .eu.org in the heliohost free subdomain list?
  9. Can you explain better what you want? I can't understand Do you mean something like this? http://corz.org/server/tricks/htaccess2.php
  10. It worked, thanks!
  11. Hi, I deleted my account from johnny with instructions from wiki, then i tried several times to create a domain with same name in stevie, but i get this error via e-mail: Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is: Sorry, a DNS entry for (mysite) already exists, please delete it first (from all servers in the DNS cluster). Please visit http:// www.heliohost...ipts/signup.php and try to signup again. Regards, HelioHost Staff what can i do? Can you delete eventual traces of my old cunidev.heliohost.org domain? Thanks
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