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Everything posted by Dtc

  1. Hello! Would you please add the following domain to my account? The domain is cyber-sys.tech Thank you My user is Dtcsrni
  2. Hi guys! I need your help, i'm triying to reactivate my account and need to reset my password, could you help me please? My username is Dtcsrni
  3. Oh, is there any option to hide the data transferred on plain ftp? If not, no problem, just curiosity Which one of those are the correct way to access ftp on ftp accounts of CPanel? How many attempts are too much? How much time should i left between attempts?
  4. I got my ip blocked again (, and it happened because i don't know how to connect to a new ftp account i created for a team mate i'm working with for a school project. It looks like this: Protocol: SFTP Server: tommy.heliohost.org Port: 1342 Access mode: Normal User: izamar@proyectos.armsys.tech Password: (thepassword) But it can't connect that way. I tried then Protocol: SFTP Server: ftp.armsys.heliohost.org Port: 1342 Access mode: Normal User: izamar@proyectos.armsys.tech Password: (thepassword) And it didn't work either. I waited like 20 seconds and tried with Protocol: SFTP Server: ftp.armsys.heliohost.org Port: 1342 Access mode: Normal User: izamar Password: (thepassword) And it didn't work either. So i tried: Protocol: SFTP Server: tommy.heliohost.org Port: 1342 Access mode: Normal User: izamar Password: (thepassword) And it didn't work either. And after that, i got my ip blocked again for too many attempts. Now i can't even access my webpage or the cpanel :'( What am i doing wrong? I remember that some time ago, i could download a configuration file for filezilla and connect without problems. Now seems that fillezilla is no longer supported for cpanel or something, forcing us to do things manually and get our ip's blocked :'( Please, can you help me? Is it possible to connect to a different ftp account than my main ftp account (which work great) witn sftp?
  5. Thank you
  6. My IP is blocked :'( I modified my password and wrote it wrong so FileZilla kept trying again and again. Would you unblock me please?
  7. As long as i have experienced, there is not a free domain provider that can last for years or be secure. The only option we have is to ask heliohost if they can have a variant so we can choose a shorter domain name related to helio host, because is the only option we may have.
  8. Dtc

    Tommy Upgraded

    I love you. I really appreciate the effort you make to keep this project alive along the years. You are the best, thank you.
  9. Hello It seems that something happens when i try to access a subdomain (http://sie-cuh.armsis.tk/), it shows ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED. I tried flushing dns cache, browser cache, waited a day long thinking that maybe is the dns propagation but nothing. I have noted that if i acesss by the address http://dtc.heliohost.org/siecuh it works Can you please help me? My account is dtc.heliohost.org Thank you
  10. Dtc

    [Answered] Php 7.x

    I could not find it because i was using the x3 theme. Thanks!
  11. Hello. Today my joomla site showed me this: Is Tommy going to upgrade? Thanks
  12. Dtc

    I understand now. Thank you wolstech.
  13. Dtc

    Hello. Would it be possible to add Let’s Encrypt plug in support in Tommy to create and autorenew SSL certificates? I read on this post that Tommy actually supports it, but it seems that it does not have the plug in installed.
  14. Well, i have tried almost every free domain option and a had seen sadly how every one goes down on google and even stop existing or become useless. Dot.tk was one of them, i really love that service that worked for me for years where i could register unlimited .tk domains, the website was kinda simple and forgotten but it worked like a charm. Now, since Freenom has taken control of dot.tk, it all became garbage. The domain i had registered for years and used as a personal blog page got taken down without any warning and when i asked to support what happened all they could tell me is that they offer cheap domains, like if it was just an autoresponder. I tried registering a new domain again, got it and it lasted a week, after that they took it down again without warning. i had a joomla proyect there so i didn't infringed anything. Don't use freenom, they turned the great dot.tk who offered uninterested .tk domains into a money hungry company.
  15. I fixed it by erasing and uploading my page files again. Maybe something got corrupted last time. Thanks!
  16. Hello. My pages keeps showing 500 error, i have checked even the permissions and i don't know what can ocurre. Can you help me please? My username is Dtcsrni, my account is dtc.heliohost.org https://idniv.tk/
  17. Hello. I had an account on the stevie server where i had databases of blogs. I downloaded the compressed file to recover it and everything was ok except on the databases, because the only one that was worth recovering was only 1.22 kb and had no information in it. Is there any chance of recovering my databases or check if maybe the recovery system missed the databases? The one i'd like to recover is one called "dtc_blog_ideas". My username on stevie was DtcThanks.
  18. Dtc

    Hello. I did reset my password today but the password that the system gives me at the end does not work, i tried multiple times. Can you help me please? My account username is dtc
  19. I already did that but nothing changes. I'd like not to lose those databases, is there any chance to get a backup of those db? it does not matter how old it is if its from this year, please.
  20. This is how the databases are shown, empty. I didn't do anything recently so i'm kinda sure i didn't screw something. Maybe i'm missing something but i can't figure it out. Btw, have that message on the top some relation to this? Thank you for your attention
  21. They just became invisible, like if i had erased them. I knew about this issue on this post: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/21518-stevie-mysql/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter Thank you
  22. Hello. I write this because since some time my pages on the server started to malfunction, specificaly on the Mysql databases. I though it was maybe a down time or some kind of long maintenance so i didn't care. Today i tried to access to them and i noted that they was still down so i went to the twitter account and later to the forum, so i read about the fixes on the stevie mysql server. I didn't knew about the fix so i didn't back up my databases. Can you help me please? My username is: Dtc The webpage is: dtc-srni.tk The databases's names are: dtc_blog_wp, dtc_boxbilling, dtc_esimmercadobd and dtc_sistemaunificado Thank you
  23. No problem, but can you please clean the php processes for the last time? I have stopped the cron tasks and deleted the php scripts that make complex stuff from heliohost. I'm thinking in options to run them automatically because by now i must run the scripts on my local computer to update the DB remotely. The sql queries are just a few for each process but the data processing is a bit tricky. Any ideas to run a php script kinda heavy that supports Cron Jobs? :/
  24. Excuse me, is there a way of closing the processes that run on my host account by myself? I have some php scripts that sometimes may take long time to finish because they take information from an external API that is kind of slow sometimes. The scripts ignore the user connection because they are activated each four hours by an external cron job server.
  25. Thank you Byron
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