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  1. Tjoene, would helihost allow what hussam suggested? hussam, as far as pointing the mygame.mywebsite.com to, I have that figured out. Thanks for your suggestion with modifying htaccess though.
  2. D'oh. I forgot to check the python version.. Thanks.
  3. I want to use my website as a gateway to various servers that I host on my own local network. So I was wondering if there is a way I can forward a url, let's call it, 'website.com/this/directory' to website.com:6654 which in turn points to I would need this to work for various clients (like gaming clients) so that they could be pointed to website.com/this/directory but, in the end, connect to I found an interesting article on this (http://serverfault.com/questions/472482/proxypass-redirect-directory-url-to-non-standard-port) and wonder if it would work here. Could anyone clear this up for me? Edit: Some of the listener ports would be lower than 1024.
  4. script: #!/usr/bin/python print "Content-type: text/html" print "Python code is working" Excuse my ignorance but I don't understand your second question. It has been a long time since I have messed around with a website. edit: I modified the script to print the string, "Python code is working". So, it should no longer print 1-10.
  5. I just moved the script to /cgi-bin/ and added the shebang line. The script is located at: closedgw.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/test.py and the index page is present when you go to closedgw.heliohost.org. I am still not getting the expected results. Which is the printing of number 1-10.
  6. I am trying to run a python test script but am getting a 500 error instead. Permissions are 755 and I added the py extension to Apache Handlers. The link to the test script/my website: http://closedgw.heliohost.org/test.py My question is, what could I be doing wrong?
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