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  1. I'm having the same problem, so I think is not your problem, just wait some time and see if it workds later.
  2. Hi, I don't know if you have done something, but it works now. You can close this post, thanks for all, Sergio
  3. Hi, I already have a dedicated IP. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/19023-enable-ssl/
  4. Hello, I'm having problems enabling SSL in my domain. I bought a certificate from dondominio.com. I've copy paste the key in CPanel, the CRT, and when installing the SSL i checked that the three boxes the information was correct, including ca. The SSL seems to have been installed correctly, a message saying that was shown when it finished. But when I enter https://costshare.heliohost.org it brings me (Código de error: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long). What may I have done wrong? All the data was introduced in dondominio website, but I introduced the same data that in Cpanel (country, state, etc). I tried to private message krydos, but he cannot receive any message, could you provide me an email address to send you my crt, ca, and key? Or do you know something that can I have done wrong? Thanks, Sergio
  5. krydos I cannot send you a private message, it says: The member Krydos cannot receive any new messages This personal message has not been sent. I need you to install SSL because I have installed and I still cannot see https://costshare.heliohost.org/, and I don't know what have I done wrong. I have uninstalled the SSL, but how can I send you the key, crt and ca if I cannot private message you? This is my email if you to send me you email I can then send you the files: juggernaut87@hotmail.com.
  6. Hi, I'm having troubles installing the certificate. I've purchased it on DonDominio with Comodo. I didn't do the CSR from CPanel because in their web they had the same tool, they ask me the country, state, company...etc just the same as you in CPanel. I got the CRT but when I install it I get an error. I have noticed that previously (when I had no idea what to do) I installed a SSL I think self-signed, But when I try to delete it, it also shows an error. May that be the reason why the CRT cannot be installed, because there is already installed one, and it seems that cannot be deleted. Please help, I'm really lost with all that stuff. Thanks, Sergio
  7. Hello, I've just payed you through PayPal. Payment ID: 8E532822WC614751A - username: jugger87 - domain: http://costshare.heliohost.org/ - server: stevie 8E532822WC614751A I also want to ask you a doubt I have about SSL. I created the KEY and the CSR trought CPanel. Now I'm supposed to wait until you send me and email that contains the text that I have to copy in CRT submission? And thats all? After that will I be able to enter https://costshare.heliohost.org/ the same way as I now do with http://costshare.heliohost.org/ ? Thanks, Sergio
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