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  1. Helio host user name : hrprsd Server: Stevie Domain: http://haraprasad.heliohost.org/ I tried to use glype. That might be the reason (high resource utilization), though I barely tried out 5-6 web pages. Kinda strange I'll remove glype. Please unsupend and suggest a proxyscript that uses less resources.
  2. Thank you so much. Removed the culprit.
  3. Helio host user name : hrprsd Server: Stevie Domain: http://haraprasad.heliohost.org/ I guess it's due to heavy resource usage, please unsuspend. Also..how much bandwidth/cpu usage per account gets a suspension ?
  4. Hello, Please help. Username: hrprsd Default domain name: http://haraprasad.heliohost.org/ Addon domain name: http://www.joydanielpradhan.com While trying to add the addon domain, I'm getting Error from domain wrapper: joydaniel.haraprasad.heliohost.org is owned by another user. The domain is already showing queued. I need the document root to be public_html/joydaniel Thanks, Haraprasad
  5. Thank you all. I finally signed up. My website is up and running fine at http://howtodothis.tk (Advertisement ) Moderators can close this thread now..
  6. Hi.... I want to signup for HelioHost. But every time I fill in the details and hit the submit button, It say,"Sorry the maximum signup limit hasbeen reached". I've tried at different times of the day but without success. I've heard HelioHost has daily 200 signup limit. Can anyone tell me at what time GMT the day starts for heliohost or exactly when should I attempt an signup to be successfull. ? Thank you.
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