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Everything posted by luckymuse

  1. oh my goodness I had no idea, I knew I was personally getting spamed but I didn't realize one of them managed to hijack me. Thanks for letting me know about this.
  2. a. HelioHost username: luckyace b. server your account is on: Stevie c. HelioHost main domain: www.jennagangel.com I'm pretty bad at keeping a schedual to keep loging into the cpanel everymonth to keep the site up, sometimes I get the account suspended page and will have to click "renew account" and just enter my username and then everythings fine for another month. Unfortunently now I'm greeted with the message: "We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error." My site is simply an artist portfolio site, with a small private project forum that I chat with a friend on. My site follows HelioHosts Terms of Service and does not hog system resources as far as I am aware.
  3. Well the site I'm working on is down again, here's the error: Was an innoDB error after stevie crashed, then it changed to this kind of error, then it was working fine for a day or so now it's back to this. http://captainbludde.heliohost.org
  4. Whoo! My sites finally back online and working fine now
  5. The site I'm working on is on stevie btw. I get this error when I try to check my joomla database tables.
  6. Not fixed for me. i just checked a site I'm working on for someone else and was greeted by this error: I have very little database experience so this stuff goes right over my head. But from what I understand my site is Joomla and needs InnoDB to be active. I checked phpmyadmin and InnoDB is not turned on. I did a little research and apparently InnoDB can be disabled if the MYSQL logs are corrupted. I have no way of flushing the logs since I can't find/access them. So I need help I guess to fix this problem which I'm fairly certain is a host side issue. I can't import my database to see if that will fix the problem (like it did with the person above) since I never made a backup of it. (stupid I know, I thought I did...)
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