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  1. don't delete my post this time pls!!!!! can someone pls fix the issue with stevie! my members are constantly getting Connection Problems Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later. how on earth are we suppose to run a site with this happening all the time!
  2. What's going on guys! why are we continually getting connection error's? this has been happening for days and makes it very hard to try and run a website not to mention the effect it it has on your site reputation! can we get this fixed please! we are on stevie server and domain is qcc4x4.com/smf/ Connection Problems Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
  3. problem seems to be sorting it'self guy's
  4. Hi guy's i have qcc4x4.com but for some reason the domain is still resolving to my old host? i have done an opendns cache check on the domain and it all points to stevie's ip...could someone shed some light on this please? Also do you guy's have a live support system?
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