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Everything posted by Zak

  1. Zak

    SSH for users

    Hello! In the past, something was said about that there will be SSH for users, how was this going?
  2. It was work before DDoS without these. I have pysqlite-2.5.0-py2.4-linux-x86_64.egg-tmp in /.python_egg_cache ... isn't it what needed?
  3. Any one know what is it mean? :-)
  4. Hello, site: uacentral.org.ru heliohost name: seven Problem is this error messages: [Mon May 17 02:14:07 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/seven/public_html/site1/urls.py", line 4, in ? [Mon May 17 02:14:07 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/seven/public_html/site1/dispatch.wsgi", line 29, in application [Mon May 17 02:14:07 2010] [error] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=4366): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/home/seven/public_html/site1/dispatch.wsgi'. In file /home/seven/public_html/site1/urls.py in line 4 is this lines: from django.contrib import admin Is it Django problem, or it is my part ? Thanks!
  5. Hello, i has lost my add-on domain. Server load was about ~2, there was message about successful installation as well. 24 hours are gone also. name: seven main: mv.heliohost.org add-on: uacentral.org.ru
  6. Please help! I have problem ... First of all, my registrar does not allow using name-servers IP within class C addresses, so i can't directly put Heliohost's name-servers in NS-records there, instead i (trying) use there Xname.org NS-records which in they turn, point to Heliohost name-servers. Will this work? Secondly, i was not sure how to add my domain name in Heliohost, as Add-on Domain or as Parked Domain, so i was put it once there, and when it not work once there, and once again when i change some thing in Xname, and so on ... didn't remember to where is it was last time. For now i think to put my domain as Add-on Domain, but park wrapper gives these error: already configured. I was report about it previously but since djbob's reply there is still error. Can it be solved? login: seven main domain: mv.heliohost.org addon/parked domain: uacentral.org.ru
  7. login: seven main domain: mv.heliohost.org addon domain: uacentral.org.ru Problem: uacentral.org.ru not showed up in Parked Domain not or in Addon Domain. When i add it to Addon Domain there is error - "Error from park wrapper: uacentral.org.ru is already configured." Thanks
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