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Everything posted by supremo

  1. Thanks for the reply. I already did all this, and I'm getting nowhere. I am now getting this as an error : http://gyazo.com/67c546734e838e7a32abda46efb5f1fd I can pm you more info if you'd like.
  2. Hello, I just joined HelioHost. I've been trying to move my IP.Board forum for the past 2 days. Here's the problem : http://gyazo.com/22ad5a29123ae27cc1a5e0ba7cad8aa0 I have followed this, but it's just NOT working : http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/documentation/index.html/_/tutorials/conversions-server-transfers/server-transfers-without-ssh-access-r3 Please help ASAP. Thanks!
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