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Everything posted by flyoffacliff

  1. We don't keep backups :(/> Yeah, the deletion script isn't exactly thorough when it comes to DNS. It's generally caused by the server experiencing high load when the account is deleted, although there's definitely the possibility of bugs in the script's DNS zone cleanup. I do know that Krydos has cleaned up old orphaned DNS on occasion, so I suspect your account will be one of those that gets cleaned up whenever he does that again. Okay, thanks anyways. How long do you think it will be until it is cleaned up?
  2. 30 days is very short. Is there any chance that you could recover my account and files from an old backup? Thanks a lot. The server status page shows you have plenty of disk space left. But random URLs such as fake-url-2jx9wsme5.heliohost.net do not show the qued page. If my account was deleted, but the domain was not fully deleted, it looks like you have a bug to work out. I am really worried, because I worked on this project for about 50 hours, and I can't find my backups.
  3. I abandoned my website a while ago, and I am trying to get it back. The URL is stuck on an account qued page: http://teachereviews.heliohost.org I have had several heliohost accounts on different servers at different times. Possible usernames include: teacher, teacherr, teachere, teacher2, and flyoffacliff. The email should be flyoffacliff@gmail.com, other possible emails include flyoffacliff4@gmail.com and ben2011@ymail.com Does the login on http://www.heliohost.org/home/ the same as http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/ and http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/ . Are any of those the same as the forum login? With http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/ and http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/, I have tried varioes usernames and passwords and nothing has worked. When I try to sign in at http://www.heliohost.org/home/, it says "We're sorry, but we could not find that username in the database.". I know at least one of the usernames listed above was valid. Was the account deactivated for inactivity? I thought I could reactivate it myself by loging in again. I know the account is not completly deleted because the URL still goes to an error page. I need to retreive files from the account. If you could help me with this, that would be great. Thank you.
  4. I did not login for a while and I think that is why my site got suspended, the URL is http://teachereviews.heliohost.org. The username for Cpanel is either "teachere" or "teacher2". I tried to reset it at http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php, but it did not work. Thank you. EDIT: Never mind, it is fixed now. I guess it just took a little while to unlock. Sorry.
  5. It has been going on for days now, possibly weeks. Just randon intermittent errors on Johnny that usually go away within 60 secconds. It says "500 Internal Server Error". The server responds quick when these errors occur and it hasen't been hanging as much lately.
  6. Sorry, I found out that it was x10 host blocking remote mySQL with their firewall. Therfor, I have discontinuned using their servise (thats why the account suspended page is showing.) and moved the site compleatly to Heliohost, where I will be keeping it for now.
  7. But would about Charlie and his virtual server Johnny?
  8. I am trying to understand the server load numbers better, and wondering how many CPU cores each server has.
  9. Still not working.
  10. <p> </p><p> </p> <p>Sorry,</p> <ul class="bbc"> <li>Your cPanel username: teachere</li> <li>Your main domain: http://teachereviews.heliohost.org/ (not used for website - website on another host here: <span class="bbc_url">http://teachereviews.x10host.com/</span> )</li> <li>The server that you are on: Johnny</li> </ul> Sorry that post did not format properly - If you can't read it, please let me know.
  11. My website has been down over 24 hours - mysql is not working: http://teachereviews.x10host.com/
  12. I got it to work. I deleted and recreated the database and its fine now.
  13. Thank you, but it stopped working again, now getting: SQL Error: 0 - Query: [READ] Unable to select database Edit: I am so frustrated, I can't figure this out. The homepage loaded fine, but I left and came back 5 minutes later and it was broken, I have not been able to get it to work since, here is the URL: teachereviews.x10host.com
  14. Yes, thank you. I typed the domain of my other webhost, but it did not work. I had to set it to wildcard "%" for it to work. I don't think it would be a good idea for me to leave it this way for security. I know its another dumb question, but how do I find the correct hostname of the other host? Thank you
  15. Sorry for the simple mistake. But now the website is giving the following error instead of acses denided: "1129 - Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'" Does this mean helionost needs to run 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'? Or the other host that the website is on? Thank you.
  16. http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/sql/index.html 500 MB if you don't upload anything else to your account or have any mail in any of your boxes. If you use too much database space, no you just won't be able to add anything else. Thank you. So it is just a storage limit. No bandwidth limit. Correct? Thank you.
  17. I am trying to connect to my database here from a website hosted somewhere elce. I used "johnny.heliohost.org" for the hostname. But I am getting an acses denided error. I am sure I entered the details correctly.
  18. Thank you so much. I will be using a modifed version of MyBB forum software for this website. The project involves creating hundreds of boards. Using the MyBB GUI is too slow, so I am adding them directly to the database using PHPMyAdmin. But the problem is that MyBB caches the lists of boards, and clearing the cache involves running this large query. How do I tell how much SQL data I have used? How much am I allowed to use? If I go over the limit, will I get a warning before being suspended?
  19. At the bottom of the homepage (http://www.heliohost.org/home/) , the server status is listed as: Stevie Charlie - Cody - Johnny I thought the only servers were Stevie and Johny. What are Charlie and Cody? And why do Cody and Johnny have dashes (-) next to them?
  20. Thank you. I really wanted an account on Stevie. But I am in a bad time-zone, so the daily limit is always expired by the time I wake up. If you could transfer my account to Stevie and raise the limit there, that would be great. If you would rather do it on Johny, that is okay too. Thank you so much.
  21. I am getting SQL error "1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes" on my website. You have the server limit set to 1mb (1048576 . It needs to be raised to 4mb or higher for my website to work correctly. Could you please change this? :)This is on server Johny. Thank you.
  22. I have Johny and I just tried that, it is only 1mb (1048576 B ). I need it set to at least 4mb for my website to work properly. Could you please raise this a little? Thank you.
  23. I was getting SQL error "1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes" on my old webhost and am looking to move here. What is the limit here?
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