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Everything posted by jontyy

  1. Alright, thanks. Do you have any details about why it got deactivated so I can refrain from doing whatever it is that was wrong. thanks again.
  2. Hi, my account has been suspended and I do not have a clue why. http://www.upsidedowndog.co.cc Could anybody please provide me with any information about this. Thanks in advance.
  3. lol just looked into that adobe web premium, almost two ps3s lol.
  4. You not thought of getting a PS3, so many good games out now lol
  5. Are there any active players on this forum? Post Playstation Network names here and get together for a few games.
  6. jQuery could also be used for this i think. using their slideDown() and slideUp() functions. i have used a similar technique on one of my projects. slideDown(): slideDown slideUp(): slideUp
  7. Thanks. Im not sure about this domain parking, after some google searches it doesnt seem like what i want to do? Any chance you could explain what the idea behind domain parking is, is it link farms? I just want all of my content to be used with the .co.cc Thanks in advance edit: this parked domain is working now, yeah it seems fine, thanks.
  8. Hi, i am new to this service. I initially signed up for a .heliohost.org domain but found that i can have a .co.cc. Please can somebody change my main domain to upsidedowndog.co.cc username: jontyy domain: upsidedowndog.heliohost.org Thanks in advance. John
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