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Everything posted by mkk

  1. Hi there, I am sending emails using perl modules. When sending them off, on some accounts they are received while other accounts never receive any mail. As I do not receive any mails from HelioNet/HelioHost ("Password forgotten mail", CRON, etc.) on my personal email account, I suppose the error is on your end. Especially @web.de and @gmx.de do not receive mails... They bounce back giving me: "retry time not reached for any host after a long failure period"
  2. OK, include path for my modules was missing. Got it working now... Is it correct that SMTP connections from within perl scripts are not allowed? (at least not with a free plan) I get a connection timeout when I try to establish one...
  3. Thanks Byron. 755 did the trick! By the way: I really like the possibility to install cpan modules automatically. 5 stars for that! Is there anything else I need to do after installing a new module before I can use it in my scripts?
  4. I hate it! I cannot even get the easiest script to run. Here's the code: #!/usr/bin/perl BEGIN { my $b__dir = (-d '/home/mkk/perl'?'/home/mkk/perl' getpwuid($>) )[7].'/perl'); unshift @INC,$b__dir.'5/lib/perl5',$b__dir.'5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux',map { $b__dir . $_ } @INC; } print "Hello World!"; The "BEGIN {}" was given from cPanel > Perl Modules. The script is located at: http://einsatzsms.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/test2.pl Whatever I try, I get error 500.
  5. As stated in my initial question, I am looking for a way to execute a perl script with cron. Your suggestion was to execute it as CGI, which I did despite the fact that I do not understand why I should do so. I have a perl script named myScript.pl (filename made up) and I want to execute this script. You do not provide SSH so cron seems like a possible workaround. My question was simply: What's the command to put in the cron job to have a script being executed which is stored in "/home/mkk/www"? To answer your questions: - No, I cannot execute the script using my browser. I get ERROR 500. Could be because it's not a CGI script - The /bin/sh has only been added in the email. By the way: My script starts with: BEGIN { my $b__dir = (-d '/home/mkk/perl'?'/home/mkk/perl':(/&--#62;/&--#62; getpwuid($&--#62;) )[7].'/perl'); unshift @INC,$b__dir.'5/lib/perl5',$b__dir.'5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux',map { $b__dir . $_ } @INC; } Right after that, my code starts...
  6. OK, using a .com email address, I finally get some response from cron: /bin/sh: /home/mkk/public_html/cgi-bin/perlScript.cgi: Permission denied Permission denied on my own scripts?
  7. What's the timezone the cron jobs are living in?
  8. Thanks. Without getting notifications from cron, it's impossible to get an idea about why the script is not working properly... at least for me. I don't even know if it's started at all...
  9. Thank you! I thought starting more crons than allowed is not possible... rather than ending up with a locked account. So, my account is unlocked but I still do not receive any emails on my German email accounts. In fact, I haven't receiven one email from you!
  10. Hi there, already directly after signing up I noticed that I have not received any confirmation email. Somehow, I was nevertheless able to log in to cPanel. Well, today I cannot log in and still cannot receive emails from you. Hence, I cannot receive a new password. My username is mkk (the same as here). Any idea?
  11. Hi there, starting a perl script with cron seems to be a problem for not only me... at least according to google. In another post, it was recommend to start perl scripts either as CGI or with cron. I would prefer cron but cannot get it to work. Supposing my script is "script.pl" and is stored in "/home/mkk/www": How would I set up a cron job for it? I would also be interested in hearing about a way to debug cron: Where are the errors/warning stored when a cron job died? By the way: The script I am talking about does something, sleeps 10sec., does something, sleeps... and this is being done in an endless while-loop. Is that a problem for your server? Thanks for your help.
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