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Posts posted by buteekee

  1. I'm having a problem with mysql and I tried to log-in to WHM to fix it but I can't get through the WHM login screen.


    Can you please email me the details of my login to my WHM or at least synchronize it with the username and password that I use for my cPanel?


    domain: buteekee.tk

    username: buteekee



  2. I am encountering a lot of SQL related errors, I tried to remedy it by doing dirty tricks like modifying a lot of scripts and values. All my scripts are all running good on my localhost test server but most failed when online, tried other free hosting and its all running good, except on this server.




    By the way, all of these scripts that I am using are all running smoothly before the 'invisible Database' Error in your server occured.




    One of the sample error that I encounted is this:




    SQL Error:


    1366 - Incorrect integer value: 'NULL' for column 'gid' at row 1




    INSERT INTO mybb_settinggroups (`gid`,`name`,`title`,`description`,`disporder`,`isdefault`




    Which I get from simply trying to install a mybb plugin.








    Almost all of the errors that I encountered are related to SQL side. So I just want to ask if there is anything that I can do to fix this?




    Hoping someone could give a solution to this problem. Thanks in advance


    As an additional info, I already deleted the restored version of my database and created a new one, I also deleted and created a new database user and changed my Control panel password.


    Server: stevie

    user: buteekee


    Another thing about this error is its more about the STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION settings or the Strict mode of SQL, can it be disabled?


    Update: I recreated all the errors when using SQL's strict mode, so this thread is more on a request now if the strict mode for my sql be disabled. :(

  3. Just checked my site today and its not running because of some database connection issues, tried to fix it in the control panel but it's not working, so I tried creating a new user for both of my existing database and still unable to connect. When I tried to backup my database, I found out that all of my database are empty. My last complete backup of my site is ages ago. Is there anyway to retrieve the content of my database? Thanks.


    site name : www.buteekee.tk

    server: stevie

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