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Everything posted by Predator121

  1. Hello, Can you please de-archive: GeorgeM? Thank you!
  2. Everything was working fine from other IPs. Now everything works great on my IP too! Thank you! - George M.
  3. Hello theoryanalyst, When was your last login before this happened? If it was more than month, then you should try the Account Renewal Script: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew If it doesn't work, then wait for an admin for further help. -George M.
  4. Greetings HelioHost staff, I was wondering what's wrong with my account not being accessible by a specific IP. I tried logging in from another IP, which successfully worked. Here is the IP: <deleted> I was setting up my email account after a couple of months of inactivity. Please, check it out. Thanks, - George M.
  5. Username: mathioud Server: Stevie Domain: georgem.tk Main Domain: mycraft-public.heliohost.org I recently installed Glype Proxy on your servers so, i guess, that's the reason i've been suspended. Sorry for any problems encountered from my actions.
  6. Weird.. i logged in 1 week ago. Anyways, thanks
  7. Hello again, HelioHost Staff. I recently got suspended for High Server Load which i didn't notice. I got unsuspended and suspended again in 3-5 days without knowning why. I couldn't figure out what was the problem so i asked for help on my 1st Suspension Topic. No answer; just suspended again (check the attached file or link). http://s1284.photobucket.com/user/mathioud/media/suspendHeliohost_zps7ad920e7.png.html Thanks!, GeorgeM suspend Heliohost.bmp suspend Heliohost.bmp
  8. High server load? Hmm... i'll try to fix that. Thanks :)/&--#62; Well, can you help me a little bit? The CPU usage reached 30%! Is that me who is causing such a high CPU usage or its everybody? Thanks, -GeorgeM
  9. Greetings, HelioHost Staff. I recently tried to log into my CPanel account but i saw that it was suspended for inactivity. I used the Inactivity Script but it said that there is no account with this name in the database... If its possible, please unsuspend my account because i have some coded stuff i didn't backup anywhere else. 1) mathioud 2) Stevie 3) mycraft-public.heliohost.org Thanks in advance, -GeorgeM
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