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Everything posted by kruptein

  1. Nevermind, I just read that post from simbairk
  2. huh? I can't find django in fantastico if you mean that... Kruptein
  3. Okay, so I followed the steps on heliohost about django, but somehow it keeps giving me a 500 error if I go to http://ninv.heliohost.org/ninv (ninv is the name of my project) The cpanel error log does not contain an error, so I hope you guys might be able to help me? Kruptein (host=ninv.heliohost.org) (username=ninv)
  4. I have to tell you that the account is still not available, and I did not get any error mail or something like that...
  5. Sorry if I make a lot of spelling mistakes, but I'm not a native English speaker, I do understand the language well and If I speak it you will be able to understand me, but my spelling is not always that great.
  6. Caus the previous topic is closed I post it here: I've signed up and i didn't get an error mail after 24 hours, but I can't login to cpanel via www.heliohost.org nor can I trough ninv.heliohost.org/cpanel so I think their still is a problem, :s Kruptein
  7. Byron told me I had to post my problem here, so here I go: I singed up 6 times and 6 times I got an email that said that my account is queded, 6 times I also got an email a bit later: that there was an error (no more information was in the mail) Byron looked up and said that my account was shown in the database as pending I think, but somehow it gets deleted Djbob please help me. Kruptein (usernam: ninv ; host:ninv.heliohost.org)
  8. kruptein

    djbob is back

    Sorry byron, but I received an error mail again:
  9. kruptein

    djbob is back

    Okay thanks a lot =)
  10. kruptein

    djbob is back

    I already did 4 times, I'm now doing it for a 5th maybe already 6th time, so I don't know weither this will change something or not. It is normal that if I go to ninv.heliohost.org that my browser throws an error: "Server not found" isn't it? (when I gett a mail which says that the account is activated)
  11. kruptein

    djbob is back

    Dear ninv, Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is: Please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again. Regards, HelioHost Staff
  12. kruptein

    djbob is back

    sorry I mean host: ninv.heliohost.org username: ninv
  13. I'm sorry, but I also still get the error :s
  14. kruptein

    djbob is back

    Does this still count? My registration failed 4 times host: ninv.helionet.com username: ninv
  15. And the same goes here, I already have 4 rejections =(
  16. username: ninv domain: ninv.helionet.org Ty for helping us
  17. I signed up already twice (and am now signing up for the 3th) and I got each time an error with your installation mail. Is this normal? Thanks in advance, Kruptein
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