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Posts posted by kruptein

  1. ...Ask the Apache forums?


    The Original Poster is saying that he would like some server configuration information, because he would like to set up a test server on his computer to make site development faster (since he wouldn't have to FTP every change, etc), and then perhaps later, upload it to Stevie. But, since the default Apache installation is different from the configuration of Stevie, he would like more information about it, so developing the site on his test server and copying it over to his HelioHost site wouldn't cause any problems.


    indeed! thanks derek!

  2. Hey I already have a site hosted here, but I was wondering how the apache configuration for a single site looks like,

    I could simulate it on my own pc than, and it would make it lots easier to upload my project, because my local apache config is different I always have to modify things etc...


    With config I mean under apache2/sites-enabled/kruptools


    (my site is kruptools.heliohost.org)



    My config f.e. looks like this:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        Alias /med /var/www/dbug/
        Alias /admin_media /var/www/dbug/admin_media/
        ServerName localhost
        ServerAdmin darragh.ssa@gmail.com
        DocumentRoot /var/www/dbug/
        <Directory /var/www/dbug/>
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
            AllowOverride None
            Order allow,deny
            allow from all
        WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/dbug/django.wsgi

  3. I can say I know python very well and ofcourse I know exception-handling,

    only one problem when I did a print statement on my local apache server, I got an error that stdout is not supported by default for apache,

    So I thought that that would be the case too on heliohost but I will give it a try

  4. Wouldn't this be possible by adding this to .htaccess

    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^$ projectname/


    replace projectname with djangotest in this case


    [note].htaccess in public_html




    There is something very odd...

    I uploaded the zip of byron, and I got the message: Congrats it works!

    but then I saw that dispatch.wsgi was still pointing to byron

    so I changed byron to kruptein, and I refreshed my site and I got: "5OO Internal Server Error"


    So just changing byron to kruptein created an error, what is this?

  5. now I'm totally confused :s


    The last lines say that there is no permission on the python_egg_cache

    but I chmodded it to 775!

    and I set the python_egg_cache exactly like in the example except of the yellow highlighted parts


    [Fri Jul 02 18:52:11 2010] [error] [client]   [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/kruptein/.python_egg_cache/hashlib-20081119-py2.4-linux-x86_64.egg-tmp', referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/
    [Fri Jul 02 18:52:11 2010] [error] [client] , referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/
    [Fri Jul 02 18:52:11 2010] [error] [client] The Python egg cache directory is currently set to:, referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/
    [Fri Jul 02 18:52:11 2010] [error] [client] , referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/
    [Fri Jul 02 18:52:11 2010] [error] [client]   /home/kruptein/.python_egg_cache, referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/
    [Fri Jul 02 18:52:11 2010] [error] [client] , referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/
    [Fri Jul 02 18:52:11 2010] [error] [client] Perhaps your account does not have write access to this directory?  You can, referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/
    [Fri Jul 02 18:52:11 2010] [error] [client] change the cache directory by setting the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment, referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/



    the first part says that there is an error on line 9 of dispatch.wsgi but it's just the same as the example :s


  6. There were indeed some chmod mistakes, but I fixed them all and I still have a server error.. :s

    Is there no way that I can see the apache error logs?



    In the error logs from cpanel I have these:

    1) /home/kruptein/.python_egg_cache, referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/

    [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/kruptein/.python_egg_cache/hashlib-20081119-py2.4-linux-x86_64.egg-tmp', referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/

    2) File "/home/kruptein/public_html/kruptools/dispatch.wsgi", line 9, in application, referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/

    mod_wsgi (pid=13959): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/home/kruptein/public_html/kruptools/dispatch.wsgi'., referer: http://kruptools.heliohost.org/


    1) there is no file in the .python_egg_cache directory and it is chmodded to 775

    2) that line is just the same as in the example

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