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Everything posted by KongCH

  1. Why the server usually down??? The internet Explorer usually return "Cannot find web page"... Also,the support forum and the heliohost home page also down.........
  2. Any tutorial about .htaccess file? Don't give me apache's htaccess tutorial. Thanks!
  3. what about paying method? paypal ok? Have other chose?
  4. Any python and ruby on rails tutorial website can give me? I also have few question: 1. Python is a programming language or a server side language? 2 also, ruby is a programming language or a server side language? 3 Ruby on rails are programming language or a server side language? thx a lot!
  5. Can i post some tutorial in here? "" If i post in a wrong place,please move this post! ""
  6. Where is djbob? i need him! pls...
  7. Can my domain "http://pilovat.co.cc" have a unlimted bandwidth? Now only 2500 MB if u can't provide,how much money i should pay for the unlimted Bandwidth? THX!
  8. Hwere is djbob? When he will online? please!
  9. already,but i don't need delete if i can access my https,else i need to delete and re-gen. it. See this: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...amp;#entry45983 U just reply
  10. Yes already Pls see it: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=5142
  11. I have already set up the: CSR KEY CRT also, i have already sat up: Activate SSL on Your Web Site (HTTPS) - Setup a SSL certificate to work with your site. in cpanel's SSL/TLS Manager. but when i enter : https://secure.pilovat.co.cc/ IT RETURN Cannot find webpage. How can i fix thix problem? Some one can help me? Thanks!
  12. i waited for two hour and now ok thx!
  13. I can't remove CRT and KEY in the SSL/TLS Manager in Cpanel. When i press on the Remove button,It says: "Are you sure you wish to remove the private key for secure.pilovat.co.cc?" and i Press Yes Than "The key for secure.pilovat.co.cc has been deleted. " And i press [ Go Back ] but the key still here. i also can't delete crt by pressing remove. Any one can help me? Thanks!
  14. Hi! When i create a subdomain (example: abc.pilovat.co.cc and i sat the Document Root is "public_html/abc") , it successed. But later,i see my subdomain abc.pilovat.co.cc 's Document Root is public_html/ not public_html/abc ,why? Thanks
  15. Are your hosting package have SSL with dedicated IP supporting? I see some SSL setting in cpanel,so i think the server enabled SSL. But when i enter https://pilovat.co.cc/ in my bowser it return "Cannot find webpage". P.S i have already created CSR,KEY and CRT already. Thanks.
  16. So did u install APC? Please! I need it!
  17. i am the user of heliohost. i want to make a php upload system with a progress bar,so it needs APC. But apc is a extension of PECL(NOT PEAR),and Heliohost have NO PECL. Can HelioHost install pecl with APC? Please! Kong.
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