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Posts posted by Jonah

  1. I have recommended you service to a friend and he has signed up this morning, and I was going to help him transfer his site from another host, but when i visit his domain ( http://canadiangardeners.heliohost.org ) it doesn't work. Any ideas? He doesnt have a HelioNet account at this time. Also, just to add in, I registered the domain http://canadiangardeners.co.cc/ for him, have went to the cPanel and set it up under Parked Domains plus, I changed the Name Servers for the domain to your Name servers. The co.cc domain is bringing me to the same exact page, where it says "Ahoy..." (ahoy is the only thing I can remember *laughing*). Anyway, thanks for everything.



  2. yeah, but i mean what is the mysql server path for it. See, I want to install the latest version of phpbb3, 3.0.6, and the latest one on Fantastico is 3.0.5, so I need to install it manually, and I need the path to the MySQL server. Is it something like mysql.heliohost.org or something? Thanks

  3. I've always wanted to allow users to comment on a page. The pages I made were in basic HTML, no php, no database, so what i used was a service from htmlcommentbox.com . They allow you to put comment boxes on a page, by simply copying and pasting a script, and you can moderate it if you have a Google account. I now run forums, so I don't need this service any more, but it is helpful if you want something simple.

  4. Oh, ok, thanks!


    sorry to bother you, but i get this error

    Error from park wrapper: "my domain" is already configured


    I did set it up in Add-on domains myself. But when I went in addon domains, it didn't show my domain in the list. But I can't set it up parked, i get the above error. Any ideas?

  5. hello everyone,

    I own a domain , which is pointing to a website on a different host. I recently changed the NS settings to Heliohost's Name servers. But once I have the domain setup on your Name servers, what do I do in C Panel to set it up with my account? I'm lost from this point on. Thanks! Please help as soon as you can, as my site is an active site with users, and i don't want to drive them away, thanks very much everyone.


  6. Hello everyone,

    I'm new to Heliohost, and I have recently got an account. I have a website hosted on another host, it is a forum. Problem is, the database I use on that host is only 50MB :blink: ! I found out heliohost offers unlimited MySQL. I was wondering how reliable is your service, if I could transfer my domain to here, and if my users do a lot of posting, that i won't get in trouble for using a fair bit of space. If you want, I can put your ads on my website to help support the costs (top and bottom of forums). Thanks,



    Oh, PS. My site is about farming and chickens. It has a bunch of moderators to keep it clean, ;)

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