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  1. Hello, I copy-pasted your snakecharmer code and even with cgi extension it doesn't work in my account. I can only use python using wsgi extension, but that is slightly different beast to deal with. Can you point me why it always throw 500 internal server error on my account? Link http://karak.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/snakecharmer.cgi
  2. It is Python library, is does call C code as far as I know and read on its page. I assume i cannot use it if it's not installed. Below are instructions for its installation on Linux - and I don't have shell access and probably would need root access to install it anyway. So please take a look and tell me if you could install it. Is is harmless Python Imaging Library - very usefull - or if you can install any alternative library for dynamic generation of images from Python it would be OK too. "Installing PIL on Linux Use the following command to install PIL on Linux: sudo apt-get install python-imaging" More about installing PIL: http://gausssum.sourceforge.net/DocBook/ch01s03.html
  3. I know of Imagick for PHP, but topic is about Python:) So it seems I need to wait till admin comes back or workaround it somehow.
  4. How I can install module myself? Please link to some working python imagick examples. Does that library work on heliohost?
  5. from PythonMagick import * results in error - No module named PythonMagick If you have any working examples of use with heliohost then please post. I tried to google it and it is not very much supported under python, almost everyone is using PIL.
  6. Working now, please delete.
  7. Hello, I have a request - could you install Python Imaging Library (PIL)? http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/#pil116 Or are there any image creating libraries installed for python? I need it for dynamic image creation(like captcha). Thanks
  8. On HelioHost page in Python features there is MySQL support, but how to use it? What module is installed to support it? I tried to import most popular one - MySQLdb, and it seems it's not installed. On SnakeCharmer page there is path to this library(/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.2-py2.4-linux-x86_64.egg), but it isn't listed in modules list. Please help.
  9. Thanks very much, this works and this way I will be able to write python scripts using WSGI with or WITHOUT django:)
  10. Hi, and thanks for the guide, I'm struggling with normal Python without django, could you help me with that? Did you try it? With a simple script like this: #!/usr/bin/python print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n" print "python" All I'm getting is Internal Server Error 500 It is in cgi-bin and have extension .cgi, tried .py and no success either. If you have no clue, then maybe I will try your django configuration and post my results. Using your django settings and some bad configuration files I managed to get response 500.html on every address I enter on my account; I need some good tutorial about manual django configuration;
  11. For now Perl works on my account, but only when shebang line is set -w. "#!/usr/bin/perl -w" Python and Ruby refuse to work with my account settings
  12. No, but how can they can help me if they don't know server configuration? I read how-to on python website and forums and it should work like this.
  13. I try to use python without success - It always give me 500 internal error. This is test script: http://karak.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/test.cgi It is just: #!/usr/bin/python print "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8" print "Hello World" What I have to do for it to work?? I already tried adding AddHandler python-program .py to .htaccess file in cgi-bin folder and using Apache Handler option in cPanel, If I set up account like that - .py files are treated as text files. I also tried adding "Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .py" as suggested on several sites, but then it only shows internal error 500. I really want Python to work:( Please help.
  14. When following above advice I only got .py files to show up as text files as someone mentioned before:( Please help.
  15. I try to use python without success It always give me 500 internal error. This is test script: http://karak.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/test.cgi It is just: #!/usr/bin/python print "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8" print "Hello World" What I have to do for it to work??
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