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Everything posted by Veightar

  1. Yea. Thank you very much. My website is a directory that automatically sends email to users who register for them to activate their account. I just have to find a way of disabling that. Thank you anyway
  2. Username: veightar Server: Stevie domain: vital-directory.co.cc I have no idea the problem that causes the suspension. I'm sorry if any part of my website caused a break in the tos. If so I'll fix it as soon as it is unsuspended
  3. Ok. Thanks. I'll take note of that
  4. Username: veightar server: stevie domain: vital-directory.co.cc
  5. One funny thing I still haven't figure out is the begining of the human and its universal evolution. I mean, where did the big bang come from? If the energy in the whole universe just exploded from a small body with an intensive mass, then where from that small body? (quantum physics). Now, it is said that life began from an "organic soup" with some genetic combinations which has an infinite probability. In this case, the mathematics does not make sense to me at all. The theory of evolution is not challenged since most of its evidences are said to be "extinct". I am not sure if any one of us here have ever seen a live ape before. The only way to test the ape-man evolution is to have an ape family and study them for some thousand years. (in which case nobody will have the time to do that) So my point is, no matter the case, the human make up and that of its surroundings are too marvelous to be attributed to some kind of evolutionary chance. Even if there is a slight chance that the theory of evolution could be true, looking from its begining, there should be a supernatural being to trigger the whole incidence. Sorry if I'm being a little religious here, but the same Bible which denies evolution quoted some hundreds of years ago that the earth is round. so it doesn't necessary mean that those who disagree with evolution disagree with all scientific findings
  6. Yea, your account has been approved. Just try to log in from the heliohost.org homepage since your domain name is going to take a while to appear due to dns propagation. The website is live and I think this problem is solved.
  7. I tried to park my domain vital-directory.co.cc but was told that the domain cannot be parked because its controlled by another user. Please can you help me? Its my own domain and I'm certain of that
  8. I totally agree with you. Why will people want to pay for something someone can provide for free. Providing a free service or revenue sharing is a nice way of helping out when you can. Hassan's system is for pages with a lot of fans (like 10,000+) and it makes sense. Even traditionally, websites with a lot of visitors will make a fortune with adsense.
  9. I was wondering how long actually does it really take to configure the addon domain name or a park domain name? Is it automatically configured at cpanel or and administrator has to configure it? I added a parked domain name but later realized that I should put it at addon instead. After deleting it from parked, I can't add it to the addon domain name; I get the parked wrapper error which says the domain has already being configured or something like that. When I go to edit the error pages, I sees the domain there. Is this affecting its configuration? since the configuration is taking too long.
  10. If you are talking about your domain name, yes. when you switch from one host to another and maintain your domain name, you also retain your pr But if you change the domain name, then your have to build your seo all over again for the new domain name
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