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Everything posted by ltlt

  1. ok its done, thanks
  2. Hi, could replace the main domain in stevie server, ".com.ar" change to pay domain, isnt free anymore. Hosting Username : ltlt Server: stevie stevie main domain: walel.com.ar need to change to walel.tk thanks.
  3. the account with polvosrosados.com on jhonny server was delete by me, sorry i only test how is the issue about queue page, the problem is not fixed yet but i wait for 2 days more
  4. solved
  5. hi, please could delete my account and host server: jhonny domain: polvosrosados.com user: linkterr thanks
  6. ok, but still the queue page, dns server was changed yesterday and cache is cleaned.
  7. Hosting Username : ltlt Server: stevie domain: polvosrosados.com
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