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Everything posted by oflash

  1. ok man thx you :D :D :D
  2. In need ssh access Where you find it in the Control Panel؟ Needs it is necessary :rolleyes:
  3. im soory this another link http://of1.heliohost.org/pho
  4. ok Please open this port 35555 for my site so I can connect to this site 123flashchat.com So is the work of running chat
  5. Has been programmed and the work of a script to detect all cases of Yahoo Online_ofline-busy, on this link http://oflash.freevar.com/yahoo/ :lol:
  6. Been installed Scripts photo Shop Online Now you can modify your images without any software Experience now http://oflash.freevar.com/pho/
  7. thx ADMIN my cpanel is now working :D :D :D :D
  8. I have been a swap between the sites and the location of the famous chat 123 Flash Chat chat give me the program for the ad on my site, but when the installation program has been refused entry to chat in the absence of contact by server sites have The error is that this port is closed I have 35555 I hope the mangers of you to open this port for me my domain : of1.heliohost.org plees eny answer chat link :of1.heliohost.org/client
  9. Thank you all for the reply and I hope I'm not bothered one
  10. I want to thank everyone for the wonderful hospitality of the Syndicate

  11. Warning: include(/usr/local/cpanel/base/scripts/database/config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1255058232.15277XxGSgbGaaC on line 23 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/usr/local/cpanel/base/scripts/database/config.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/lib/php/:.') in /tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1255058232.15277XxGSgbGaaC on line 23 Warning: include(/usr/local/cpanel/base/scripts/database/db_mysql.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1255058232.15277XxGSgbGaaC on line 25 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/usr/local/cpanel/base/scripts/database/db_mysql.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/lib/php/:.') in /tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1255058232.15277XxGSgbGaaC on line 25 Warning: include(/usr/local/cpanel/base/scripts/database/queries.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1255058232.15277XxGSgbGaaC on line 26 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/usr/local/cpanel/base/scripts/database/queries.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/lib/php/:.') in /tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1255058232.15277XxGSgbGaaC on line 26 Fatal error: Class 'queries' not found in /tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1255058232.15277XxGSgbGaaC on line 27 eny help plees my domain name:of1.heliohost.org
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