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Everything posted by webgeek

  1. :sigh: That's not cool. Are there no server-wide backups that the database can be pulled out of? I was running a forum, and I don't mind rebuilding the forum itself, but I hadn't backed up the database for at least a month before my site was suspended. That's a lot of posts to lose. Though I suppose that's mostly my fault for not backing things up often enough. *reminds self to set up a weekly backup cron job on next account* I'll sign up for another account. It would be nice to be able to restore everything, but if there are no backups, I'll make something work. Thanks for the response, webgeek
  2. Username: SWAdmin Domain name: swrpg.heliohost.org It seems that my account was suspended. When I try to go to my site, I get a DNS error. Also, I cannot log into CPanel from the main site. I used my MSN email account to register this account, and since hotmail is blocking heliohost emails, I never saw the suspension notice. I tried to reactivate my account at http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php , but it says that my account either does not exist or is not inactive. Is there any way I can get my account reactivated or at least get a dump of my database? I like what is being done here at heliohost and the community that has formed around it as well. I wish to continue using these services. Thank you for any help that can be given, webgeek
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