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Everything posted by AndrewPH

  1. There's an option to show more details to the right of the email details on gmail. Not sure on other hosts. Also, there's nothing wrong with Ubuntu, some linux users just don't like it since it's not what linux was really meant to be; easy.
  2. If you'd look around, you would see you're not the only person having this issue. The only thing we can do is wait.
  3. Alright, thanks, wanted to ask since it's generally a rule amongst hosts. Except paid hosts
  4. It's happening to me as well.
  5. So I've been using a different hosting site for a personal blog for a while now and, since they have to either shut down or get more donations within the month, I was wondering if it was alright if I made a second account on heliohost for my personal crap. What I use heliohost for now is a small garry's mod server community and a small web game I help design on the side, and I'd rather not get everything mixed up with everything else. This isn't an issue of bandwidth and space, rather the fear that I will end up skewing up the site on accident. TL;DR: I might screw up my garry's mod community site and I'd rather not take the chance. I only ask this as it isn't in the terms and most other hosts have a rule against this. Sorry if I don't respond or come back until like tomorrow, I have to get up early to get a ride somewhere else.
  6. Use localhost as the server. Or use fantastico to install it, if it has it.
  7. Vista, XP, Ubuntu, Mandriva, Debian, DamnSmallLinux, and a few others. Debian, Ubuntu, and XP are run via Virtual PC 2007.
  8. Thankfully, everything on my site is running fine and I have no need for the cpanel at this moment..
  9. Same's happening over here, hopefully it will be noticed soon.
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