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Posts posted by Electimortar

  1. My forum software provider just told me that you guys just upgraded to PHP 5.3.x and that you guys have to disable magic quotes. PHP also says that the feature is deprecated. Can you please disable it, or tell me how to do it, if I can?

  2. The forum software provider just told me that you guys just upgraded to PHP 5.3.x and that you guys have to disable magic quotes. Can you please do that, or tell me how to do it, if I can?

  3. My site is back up, and I'm wondering why on my forum a slash appears after every " ' ". For example: John/'s.


    EDIT: The forum software provider just told me that you guys just upgraded to PHP 5.3.x and that you guys have to disable magic quotes. Can you please do that, or tell me how to do it, if I can?

  4. When I went to my site, in wouldn't work, so I went to my cpanel. It gave me this message:

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

    The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.


    What should I do?

  5. Yeah, but I don't understand where to put the code. I think it would just be easier if I made you a user and you did it, please. I really need one f these, and so far, nothings making sense.

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