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Posts posted by /\/\/\/

  1. i don't mind. i don't see how you can't say yes :P. besides, i LOVE this game! i'm practically a master, there's 3, maybe four trophies i don't have. i never say no to a match. of course, i kinda have this reputation that makes it so that some people don't want to play me cause they know they'll get clobbered.

  2. i think he's saying he's never heard of the rev, and what a dumb move. the nintendo revolution is nintendo's next big console, and is said by many that it will change games for ever. the revolutionary controller will bbe able to detect ANY kind of movement at all, making gaming possibilities ENDLESS! it will also feature free online, downloadables of ALL of nintendo's past consoles, and more.


    if you've never heard of zelda, that's just plain sad. it defines the adventure/puzzle games of today combine brains with skill. the legend of zelda: ocarina of time is widely regarded as the BEST games of ALL TIME! this topic is to discuss the upcoming zelda game, which many are planning to buy a rev or cube for (if they haven't already) and is the only good game that will finish off our current generation. for more info about the game itself, try nintendo.com or ign.

  3. the revolutionj conttoller is impossible to play in its in the shape of a remote so you will have to play with one hand :(


    my god do some research. it's not only one hand, probably just for simpler games. go to ign and look up everything, especially the video. tht's what got me hooked. if you're still not convinced there's got to be something wrong with you.


    edit:and imo bothe the 360 and the ps3 are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. thank god the rev will be $99-$150...

  4. Thats not a valid comparison. I mean, the PSP has ATV Off Road, and the DS has Mario Kart, now which one should you choose? See my point? You cant take one of the worst games on a system and compare it to one of the better games on another system.

    Okay, fine, let's use your comparison. ATV Offroad Fury is still better than Mario Kart DS.


    oppinion. besides, the mario-kart series is world renown for its fun, innovative gameplay. i love the series too. all other racing games...meh. waste of time.

  5. see where that kind of talk gets you myscnnm? banned. now then, we all know nintendo has good games. awesome games. if myscrnnm were here he would call me an accessant fanboy or some other big word. man he thought he was so smart.


    anyway, now that myscrnnm's gone i can talk about the things i like about the psp. the graphics are good, and i gotta admit there are some games it has that i would like to play.

  6. oh my ****ing god, he's lost it. anyway, what most people have said recently about the handhelds and which you should buy is this:


    PSP: if you like sports games, cause is got good sports games but has pretty much stunk in everything else


    GBA:role-playing games. not alot else to do in 2d nowadays


    DS:everything else. the sports games on it suck, but it's still got a good line-up in other categories.


    now everybody's happy but myscrnnm who's gunna yell at me in a minute.

  7. and, if you haven't noticed, i hate it when people make a quick short sentence of no particular value. and even if it is the internet i still hate bad grammar. no punctuation makes it hard to read and the typer look stupid. if you think i'm picky though, myscrnnm takes it to the extreme.

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