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Everything posted by jammmie999

  1. Yes thats my main Domain I have just added the domain as an addon-domain so its never yet been working
  2. I have added my domain and waited for the DNS thingie to happen. Now when I visit my domain I get the following code <html><head><META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0;URL=/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi"></head><body></body></html> visiting /cpanel works fine but none of my content is showing up. My domain is no longer listed in my cpanel for some reasion, when i try to re add it says that it is already there? Username: Learnlin Domain: http://schoolof-tech.co.cc/ Thanks
  3. Thanks djbob, it is working now!
  4. domain: http://youtrain.co.cc username: learnlin
  5. Give it 24 hours and if it still doesn't show post back. Bump - No change domain is still queued, but more importantly it is not viable in my cpanel.
  6. Hello Hello, I am having problems adding my domain on the Addon Domains page it says "No Addon Domains are configured." but when I try and add my domain through the form I get an error "There was a problem creating the addondomain." can you help? Also my subdomains page shows the domain but then says "Error from domain wrapper: We were unable to locate your current domain name, yoxxxxxx.co.cc (I have hidden the domain from post) in the webserver configuration! The subdomain cannot be added because information about your domain could not be obtained from the webserver configuration file. " When I first tried to add my domain the browser crashed so I think this may have caused it. UPDATE: My website is showing the "HelioHost Account Queued" but the domain is not viable in my control panel
  7. Can everyone stop calling me a spammer, trash etc. I wasn't trying to send mass loads of spam nor was I trying to scam anyone. I just sent a few emails to 1 guy, and he knew it was a joke. And I haven't been unreasonable to any of you.
  8. Don't you think it would be a nice policy to email people before banning them?
  9. Hi can someone tell me why my Account has been Suspended. http://giggig.heliohost.org/ Thanks
  10. Hello I was using Visual studio to publish my site and accidentally deleted the root directory. I have created a new folder called "public_html" and this works fine now. But when I publish to this new folder and view the site I just see my code please help. http://giggig.heliohost.org/
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