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  1. Yes! Thanks Krydos 🙂
  2. Let me see...
  3. Yes, unisan1 is the name of my account, UNI3 the name of the folder disappeared.
  4. Hello, suddenly, on Plesk, one of my folder in /public_html disappeared (name:UNI3). May be was moved somewhere..can you help me? Thanks in advance. Unisan1
  5. Thanks! Now seems is all ok!
  6. In the Log Folder, I found this:
  7. I've renamed the file, but Error 500 remains.
  8. Excuse me, where can I find the .htaccess file?
  9. I can't login to Plesk and all files HTML with heliohost.org domain give an 500 Error. Can you solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
  10. Transaction code: 9C268840AS553462J. email: kingsbishop25@gmail.com user:unisan1 Waiting for update ETA for Plesk Thanks in advance
  11. unisan2


    I just made a donation through Paypal. Transaction code: 2EJ66899GR994914N
  12. Ok, I re-installed phpbb Forum and it works. But can anyone tell me how can I recover the material in old Forum? Thanks!
  13. I've tried to open config.php file in the Forum folder and I've seen that username and password are the same there were before Tommy crashed (I've a backup saved on July). I've tried to change the username and password (used to access at Forum), but nothing happened. Also I've uploaded the old folder Forum on the server, but the error message appears again.
  14. I've tried to follow the tips, but nothing. Any other tips?
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