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Everything posted by laozing

  1. not sure wut the deal is. its a sad affair considering in terms of features and service (not talking uptime), heliohost is the undisputed best around.
  2. as of 2:15 central today Im having this problem as well. this is wut i see: This server is currently not licensed. Please contact the server administrator. Other services available on this server such as web services are likely functioning normally. (Invalid License Timer, tamper prevention activated)
  3. laozing

    djbob being stupid

    my site is back heck yes tthanks djbob.
  4. laozing

    djbob being stupid

    thats good to know thanks.
  5. laozing

    djbob being stupid

    I do hope that support for forum software like SMF, IPB and CMS like phpfusion, drupal remains yes? support for that stuff is the only reason why im still here and that load times are much faster as well as email validation actually working. Long live heliohost and hope for speedy recovery. any chance for upgrades in space and bandwidth or too costly?
  6. laozing

    djbob being stupid

    able to access cpanel now. yay.
  7. laozing

    djbob being stupid

    yes heliohost is back i thank jesus... thank god heliohost is the only legit free host out there now.especially since i still plan to have my website to continue with heliohost as its the best in terms of features and loading times. heliohost forever lol. good times are coming .
  8. I ask this as my forum is still unable to send email validations. What should I do (Yeah I given up on smtp.) btw I used a very simple php email script like this: <?php $to = "****@gmail.com"; $subject = "Test Mail"; $message = "Hello world!"; $headers = "From: ****@*****"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); echo "The email was sent"; ?> and it works but its not working for my Invision Power Board (its unable to do the email validtion when someone registers.) Can anyone help me?
  9. laozing

    SMTP issues

    yeah that code. still a noob at php and its uses.
  10. laozing

    SMTP issues

    I think I did the thing wrong. How do I use that code? I got no failed sesd thing.
  11. laozing

    SMTP issues

    they are blocking heliohost what do I do?
  12. laozing

    SMTP issues

  13. laozing

    SMTP issues

    My IPB 3.0.3 can't send validation emails through php mail apparently and so I switched to stmp but its not working either can anyone explain?
  14. wow that is nice thx now thats it for all my problems. thx dude.
  15. One thing though. apparently my co.cc domain is still not recognized by my account as the main domain. I set the parked domain to no redirection. what do I do?
  16. lol I remember first signing my first domain. I was 13 at the time
  17. Bryon.... Thank you so much. It was the hotlinking. Apparently I didnt update it to include my co.cc domain. wow now that thats fixed I will finally use my heliohost account for my website again yay! Thank you so much Bryon now I don't have to continue searching for an inferior host. Trixt hosting was equal to heliohost in features but by space and bandwidth it was better as space was 1gb and bandwidth was unlimited. that host is now dead and I was lookin for alternatives for heliohost cuz I thought something was wrong with heliohosts dns but now that I know it was hotlinking (now updated and working right), I can finally start reusing my heliohost account! Dude bryon u just saved me a lot of heartache and I seriously thank u man wow. Only reason I stopped using my account was that the images weren't loading but now they are . talk about awesomeness...
  18. Click here for co.cc domain btw how do I set my parked domain as my main domain it keeps saying its turokzone.heliohost.org.
  19. I've been checking with other hosts to see if its my co.cc domain but it gets no errors. I wonder if its something with heliohost? Think the guys running the services need to fix stuff on their end cuz i get no errors with about three different hosts.
  20. Alright its working now but something is weird. I do believe I posted this a long time ago: Some images don't appear when I use the co.cc domain. I can see all the images just fine on turokzone.heliohost.org but not on my co.cc domain... currently setting up my ipb btw and long story short is it me or is it how I set it all up? I was supposed to upload to public_html correct? here are some screenshots: no errors on turokzone.heliohost.org: the problem is that only shows when using my co.cc domain:
  21. I notice that helionet still uses IPB 2.3.x series and I'm wondering why not it has yet to update to IPB 3.0.3?
  22. The domain name servers so that I can setup a co,.cc are ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org am I correct? If so then why does my account not recognise that the co.cc is not the main domain and my turokzone.heliohost.org is? how do I make it recognise my co.cc domain is the main domain?
  23. We have a new problem: Whoeever manages heliohost, does that person even care anymore?
  24. Also, it would be nice for an upgrade in space and bandwidth. other providers like byethost and sqweeds and sitegoz have better space and bandwidth. Even though heliohost ( in my opinion ) Offer the best in features like password protect directories, I.P. deny manager, and allowing users to upload the best forum software like IPB, Vbulliten, and SMF when most hosts don't allow such good services), the reason many go to these hosts with limits is simply because of the space and bandwidth in which they offer. This must change if heliohost want to bring many back here. I am enjoying my website but these need to be settled as I hear byethost allow the forum installation as well. I Don't mind the space and maybe the bandwidth I have now but those who never heard of heliohost will be looking more for space and bandwidth rather than features and support of forum software... that's my two bits. Check file permissions. I had images with a permission of 700, put them back to 644. File permissions are 644. nothing for me so what IS the problem for me?
  25. @ papukai Co.cc is working for me now! New problem related to it however: Some Images don't load and that really blows. I try using m heliohost url and images load just fine. what's the deal?
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