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Posts posted by jackfm

  1. Unfortunately, I am having exactly the same issue. I have tried the Helio password reset many times and experience the same symptoms. I am using the same browser session, I have tried both the SSL and nonSSL links which include my reset code in the URL, but I continuously keep coming back to the same screen, prompting me to reenter over and over.


    The URL is http://johnny.heliohost.org:2082/resetpass?action=reset&user=jackfm&confirm=confirmation_code


    Thank you so much for your help with this.

    Jack (jackfm)



  2. Could you please deploy HelloServlet.war for me? I placed it at my root directory, which I believe is the right spot, as it would translate to /home/jackfm. If I got this in the wrong spot, I apologize and let me know how to improve. Still figuring out servlet deployment.


    Thank you and happy holidays.


    Am hoping this works, was not able to set my Compiler compliance level to 1.6, but was able to set "Generated .class file compatibility" and "Source compatibility" to 1.6

  3. Krydos,


    Thank you for such an awesome reply. My apologies for missing the explanation that each requestor must wait for a slot to open up and that there is no way to know when that will happen. Hoping it's soon, but now I know that I didn't invoke the process incorrectly. My continued appreciation for the service you provide. I feel much better now, armed with this information. Godspeed.



  4. I see that my request for Java access did not happen, although many later requests were fulfilled. This is not a complaint, just a concern. Was my request for Java in some way incorrect? I joined Helio for the expressed purpose of using JSP, so that feature is important to me. So, if there was something else I need to do, I would be more than happy to do that.


    And thank you all for such a great hosting service.

    Jack (jackfm)

  5. Hello administrators,


    Just read your note on the home page, and thought I should clarify something. My family is using two accounts on helio host. One is for me, Jack, and is associated with userid jackfm. The other is for my wife, Della, and is associated with userid dellawax. We did, however, register these with the same email so that I get all alerts.


    I believe this is okay, but your note kinda scared me into wanting to post this anyway.




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