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  1. Addresses right - Yes Email that wasn't the default - yes. Default is my username I made another one (storage@brismedia.co.cc) (is that part of the problem?) Nothing coming through spam, checked the brismedia.co.cc webmail and email went there but didn't forward.
  2. Hi there, Again sorry to necro, just adding in a question here: I've created my forwarders to go to my GMail account from within CPanel. But there seems to be no forwarding happening. Just want to know if there is a current issue involving this (in which case, I'll drop the issue and just wait )
  3. You're a legend mate! That worked very well. However, you mentioned the .htaccess and allowing cgi to be executed in other folders. -> Is this allowed at heliohost? If so how is it done? I've got a usable chat script that I want to get working, however it was coded by third party and freelance to boot so documentation is minimal if there is any at all.
  4. Ho [bleeped!].. I was messing about it with it as soon as I posted and I got it working as a parked domain O_o.. Is that not the right thing to do?
  5. Hi there, Don't mean to necro this post, but thought it might be more prudent to post here than make a new thread. My question is this: www.co.cc allows for two domain names. I've set up one -> e3studios.co.cc as my own (that's the one that shows up as my main domain in my CPanel). I'm wanting to set up another domain (brismedia.co.cc) to point to a particular path on my site to be used for another purpose (where e3studios may not be appropriate etc). I tried adding the brismedia.co.cc as a parked domain but I got the above mentioned error. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... Firstly> Do I - Add the brismedia.co.cc as a PARKED DOMAIN or - Add the brismedia.co.cc as an ADDON DOMAIN? Secondly> I've only just set up brismedia.co.cc in my domain manager at .co.cc. I have not yet added any name servers. Do I need to add the ns1/ns2.heliohost.org as nameservers BEFORE i can add brismedia.co.cc as an extra (PARKED/ADDON) domain?
  6. Hi there, I've recently setup my hosting service and am wanting to try to use a perl/cgi chat site. Now I was having problems with the chatsite so I attempted to diagnose the issues I was having (mostly Internal Server Error 500) by starting at the beginning. I copied this test script from the net (very basic as I am not too familar with perl) #!/home/[username]/perl print "Hello, World!\n"; where [username] is my username - anghel. (This has been taken from the perl page in CPanel, it was formerlly /usr/bin/perl and not /home/[username]perl. Running that script (with 755 permissions) still brings up I.S.E. 500 errors, both if it is in the native cgi bin file of the chat script (located in root/airuza/bin) as well as when it is in the cgi-bin folder. My questions are these: 1) Am I doing something wrong with the way the script is coded or located, am I missing something? 2) Are there any specific requirements that I have missed to get perl/cgi scripts going, if so what are they? (i.e., must be located somewhere, must have specific modules installed etc)
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