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  1. My domain is now showing a permanent error 500 and I didn't even edit any files at all?? What is going on??? Domain: http://www.bubblechat.uk.to User: bubblec
  2. What are the IP addresses of your outbound mail servers on my domain?
  3. The cPanel errors logs are empty.... My domain is "bubblechat.uk.to" and my username is "bubblec"
  4. It's on all pages and now it's staying on! If you see my website, keep refreshing and then it will suddenly say "500 internal server error"
  5. Hi, On my site it says "500 Internal Server Error" when I did not even edit the htaccess file? Now come one guys, This is getting really annoying! Your server keeps on breaking whenever I use it! It is so annoying! This week there has been downtime and the whole "Queued" problem! SORT IT OUT! :angry: UPDATE: Nevermind its working now! UPDATE: it keeps coming up randomly every so often and then when I refresh it goes away again?
  6. OK, now I have a new problem: mydomain:2082 works but mydomain says server not found? Can you double-check the DNS please? Thanks UPDATE: my domain works BUT I get server error 500 even though there are no .htaccess files?
  7. I signed up around 4PM GMT, Can you refresh the DNS?
  8. OK, I have signed up but still my domain is not resolving and cPanel won't work using HelioHost cpanel login.... I got an email saying my account is ready though.... Can you check it for me?
  9. OK Update: Signup Limit Exceeded?
  10. Yeah my nameservers have gone over but it says server not found? I know they have gone over because before it displayed my previous host's page
  11. I signed up an account yesterday but can't access cPanel? My domain is bubblechat.uk.to
  12. If I signup for hosting, can you enable exec() for my account? Or is there a way I can do it via htaccess?
  13. Does Heliohost Free Hosting have these features? register_globals offsafe_mode offexec() Allowedallow_url_fopen onallow_url_include offmbstring & xslt extensions.htaccess supportURL Rewriting support (mod_rewrite)ImageMagick InstalledPHP Sendmail EnabledAbility to create Cron Jobs
  14. i got that same issue too, it errors everytime!
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