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  1. huh? Wii isnt a handheld, Xbox360 isnt a handheld. But yes i agree on your views about Xbox360 and how it is basically just a computer
  2. well do you have any idea on what the problem is and how it can be solved? also do you know how long it will take
  3. well the problem hasn't been solved yet
  4. well i went to the store and got the hosting item right and then i went use item and i tried to get new hosting and it didnt work it said the key was incorrect so can someone please re-fund my helions
  5. how is that a story
  6. yay finally the store is back up!
  7. nehe32


    btw what are you upgrading it with(like new features)
  8. yay Djbob
  9. maybe who has sent the most PM's lol
  10. nehe32

    IBStore ALPHA I

    is there any place i can download Alpha I or Alpha II?
  11. i haven't followed the link yet but what is it like?
  12. i dont have an ipod but i want one, mainly because they can store so much, hay can you put foreign files on it so you can use it like a memory stick?
  13. what do you mean i doesn't work on ur computer
  14. so fix it!!
  15. either netpumper or getright
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