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Everything posted by yami

  1. Hi I am so sorry if my question is too basic. I am using ZOHO MAIL as my mail server but I wanted to set a backup mail Server with lower priority also (a college homework) but I do not kow my Heliohost Default MX Records. if my site is yami.us then is it going to be mx1.yami.us and mx2.yami.us or something completely different? Also if my main mail server is ZOHO MAIL (remote mail exchange), and I want to use my Heliohost Default MX records as lowe priority (backup), then should I set Heliohost MX Records as Local mail Exchange or Backup Mail Exchange? (again sorry, there was no info about it in Wiki)
  2. You just Rock! my goodness how I forgot it thnk u thnk u thnk u
  3. Hi my friends; I decided to give Zohomail a try. I changed my MX and CNAME records as below almost two days ago but still looks like that still old record are active. MX Records Priority Destination 10 mx.zohomail.com 20 mx2.zohomail.com Zone File Records Name TTL Class Type Record Action yami.us. 14400 IN A localhost.yami.us. 14400 IN A www.yami.us. 14400 IN CNAME yami.us ftp.yami.us. 14400 IN CNAME yami.us cpanel.yami.us. 14400 IN A mail.yami.us. 14400 IN CNAME business.zoho.com disk.yami.us. 14400 IN A I was wondering how long it takes for DNS to update? instead of mail.yami.us still webmail.yami.us loads and instead of disk.yami.us still I have to use webdisk.yami.us Is it all about DNS propagation or I did something wrong? MXtoolbox.com shows below information for my site right now which I guess means DNS is not updated yet Pref Hostname IP Address TTL 10 dc-98be016f.yami.us 5 min
  4. Hi I was wondering if someone can make a correct "Sender ID SPF Record" using this wizard for mails hosted on heliohost mailservers (not the ones on Microsoft or Google, etc)? http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/safety/content/technologies/senderid/wizard/ I tried to make but I do not understand some of options then maybe it won't be that good. I think it should be same for everybody other than the Domain part of it Thanx
  5. @Shinryuu : Yes, honestly I did thru pointing the only MX Record to yami.us, priority 10 But it redirects to Account Queue page! Clearing cache and waiting did not help. I think I really messed up! It is OK. I am learning! Soon I will be a Net Tech
  6. Hi I am sure Heliohost guys know lots of members are here to learn beside hosting their site too. I was wondering if there is a way to Hard Reset All cPanel Settings to the default, just like the time it gets created for a new account, when they totally mess up with their cPanel and they have no clue how to fix then they prefer a reset on everything to start over. (in fact I messed up I think and I am looking for a full hard reset, no matter my files or settings all go away!)
  7. Honestly I returned to my own mailserver on my host. Microsoft one was not looking like to get OK! Anyway I just need one mail address and it does not matter that much... Would you tell me what is the difference between: a CNAME Record that I made (mail.yami.us) which takes me to my mail server (whether it is microsoft or heliohost) and an A Record (webmail.yami.us) which goes no where when I try it??? Sorry if I ask more than what member are supposed to.
  8. Hi I hope I am posting in right place. Playing with my cpanel, I was wondering why some of A and CNAME recods looks like working and some not? For example when I try A Record webdisk.yami.us or cpanel.yami.us in browser they redirect to webdisk and cpanel. When I try A Record whm.yami.us, it redirects somewhere that I cannot loging with my heliohost username/password and I have no idea what is it! And finally when I try A Record webmail.yami.us it goes nowhere! I woulf appreciate if someone helps me to understand these stuff
  9. That is great improvement and saving on resources, specially for account with heavy email usage and lots of email addresses. Specially Johnny suffers a lot and for me it was practically unusable. I am still working on my Live Domains. Weirdo stuff happened which I fixed them, like my CNAME record changes suddenly resetted to default! I set CNAME again and now I can access mail.yami.us on Live Mail. Then I started monitoring how good I send or receive email! LOL, almost unusable. Emails I send from Live to my gmail get to it almost quick but the ones I send from my Gmail to Live Domains email like a(att)yami.us some times never arrive or arrive very late!! I started checking my Live Domain service status. It shows Active. When I click REFRESH button, some times it shows Active again but some times come Inactive!! I click REFRESH again once or twice then it shows Active and so on. If you think it is something you like to work on it, private message me and I will give yo umy credentials then you can work on it. I totally do not understand anymore but looks either it needs more time to propagate on ALL root servers or it is Steve server's problem on managing MX Records.
  10. In fact Microsoft Live Domains was priority 0 and my own domain priority was 10 (or 100 I think). Yes, honestly if I was Heliohost admin, I would offer setting this for free for everybody!! I think it helps saving your resources a lot :)/&--#62; Anyway thank you. The only thing that looks like have problem now is Custom Address. I set mail.yami.us in Microsoft Live Domains to and of course I added required CNAME Records to my zone. Now when I try mail.yami.us it redirects to Account Queued page. I deleted cache but no luck. The status icon for this custom address in Microsoft Live Domains control panel once and while becomes red or green! I wonder if CNAME record changes also need sometime for propagation.
  11. I exactly did both of them but no luck :/ I check everythinh triple time. I know it should be so simple. I did it years ago and it was entirely hassle free as you say but this time, I do not know what is wrong. I did everything again AND ALSO I Deleted my own host MX Record And Changed Microsoft Live Domains MX Record Prioity from 0 to 10. Now as you said in less than half an hour it worked. I am not sure which one really helped but I think deleting my own host MX Record helped.
  12. Hi, I carefully set everythings needed for using Microsoft Live Domains DNS/MX record settings in my cPanel but after 3 or 4 days still it shows Pending DNS configuration in my Microsoft Live Domains control pane. The only thing which is missing in settings is TTL for MX record which is not possible to change in cPanel but I think it is not big deal. Does anybody successfully used it with Heliohost?? Honestly I believe Helihost can advertise for using it and it will help to reduce resources usage on mail servers by transferring it to Microsoft servers.
  13. Honestly that is not very practical... I found this article in internet but it is too geeky for me. Also I do not know users in Heliohost are able to do these settings or not? Someone told me, I have to do some of these settings in my host then Gmail or any other Mail Server does not recognize my emails as SPAM. Also I am not sure using something like Google Apps or Microsoft Live Domain as my email on my domain may help or not (I think it helps). http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2010/04/so-youd-like-to-send-some-email-through-code.html
  14. Hi I have domain name www,yami,us. I was wondering that why Gmail recognize emails sent from my domain/host as SPAM? Thank you
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