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Everything posted by alex4108

  1. I just connected to Stevie's MySQL with my administration tool from the server and it works fine. I'll go over to the TS forums and see what's up over there
  2. Teamspeak opens 1 connection to the database, and it's a persistent connection if I remember right. Yes, I tried % and my exact hostname. They have the same result Just for referance, do I have set connections limit? If I diagnose nothing wrong on HelioHost's end I'll pop over to the teamspeak forums and see if they can help
  3. Hi, I have a teamspeak server on my box at home, and I have my scripts on my website do most of my maintenance to the server via MySQL. I'm trying to connect the server to MySQL on stevie, but it's producing this error. The weird part is this error is only produced from the teamspeak server. I logged in via MySQL Administrator on the server just fine. I also tried logging in with the main cPanel account, and the same result was produced. The remote host is allowed via hostname, the password is correct, and the user has permissions. Can someone tell me whats up? The account is fresh and nothing else has the password, so I'm not sure how anything could be connected.
  4. cPanel's Server Status page is showing MySQL as "failed". Will MySQL restart itself or did something go terribly wrong?
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