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Everything posted by f4stdev

  1. Thx :)/> The problem was that i created a cronjob but unfortunatly it disappeared after one run and reloading the cpanel page in browser. So I recreated it that often. Could this be caused by the run interval of of every minute ? I am very happy with heliohost and don't want to outsource a single cronjob which just has turned run every day once. Regards gymgo
  2. Dear Support Team, Username: gymgo Servername: stevie Domain: gymgo.tk Please unsuspend my Account. Yesterday I was testing a cronjob and for a quick test I set the interval to every minute. Caused that the suspendation bacause of taking too much ressources?? I would be pleased to learn the reason for my suspension Thx gymgo
  3. Hello Support Team, in another post, which now is marked as "ANSWERED" ( ) but my question wasn't answered at all. I wanted to know if it's possible to get and then how to get access to the Apache Weblogs from my Server. In my FTP-Accounts in cpanel I found the special account '*****_logs' I unfortunately can't log in to with my HelioHost credentials. Can I see the logs by using this account or is there any other possibility to get the logs ? This is not for any statistics purposes and please don't answer with : "use google analytics". Thank you, f4stdev
  4. Is there any possibility to see the apache logs ?? In my FTP-Special-accounts I found a [username]_log ftp account that I can't access to. The ftp account points to /home/domlogs/[username] that is invisible for my normal ftp account [username]. Can I access to that account for my logs ??
  5. Hello Support-Team, I have got a web server running on stevie. Actual, I wanted to see my access logs from apache but I couldn't find them in my home directory via ftp. When I click to "Latest Visitors" in cPanel, it just says : "There are no domains which have last visitors stats to display." If I can't get the origin apache logs, how can I enable the visitor stats ? f4stdev
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