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  1. I dont find any infect file, cau provide more info to locate the file?
  2. a. HelioHos usernamet:kukugo b. the server:johnny c. HelioHost main domain:http://www.peng1985.de
  3. No one solve the problem?
  4. At first thank you for you change my password that i can login to the cpanel again, but i have another problem that "Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB'" is, and i execute the sql "SHOW ENGINES" in mysql, it shows that the mysql not support the InnoDB. can you fix it? my website is peng1985.de in johnny server.
  5. i can not login to the cpanel since the johnny is back online, I pretty sure my password and username is correct, my site is peng1985.de. And i also try reset password but it's also not work, It's report like: "Please make sure that you are accessing the full, correct URL from the email and that you are using the same browser session in which you started the password reset. Click here to resend the confirmation email."
  6. when my domain server try change the nameserver to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org they get the following error: Nameserver error ERROR: 116 SOA record response must be authoritative (resolver, answer) ([/|/2001:608:6:7:6:0:0:11]=&--#62; (UDP, PROTOCOL_EXPLICITLY_CHOSEN, Timeout: 3s, Retry: 1 x 0s, unsecure, ignoreTC), [/|/2001:608:6:7:6:0:0:11]=&--#62; (UDP, PROTOCOL_EXPLICITLY_CHOSEN, Timeout: 3s, Retry: 1 x 0s, unsecure, ignoreTC): &--#60;No records&--#62;) 53300102912 Nameserver error ERROR: 901 Unexpected RCODE (target, entity, RCODE) (,peng1985.de, REFUSED) and my domain server told me that the problem should be solved by yours not by them. i want ask how can i solve the problem? Domain:peng1985.de server:johnny username:kukugo
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