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  1. Try acess using the Private/Incognito Mode in Firefox (Ctrl + Shift + P), you can try change your DNS too.
  2. here your site is working perfectly, it is hosted on which server?
  3. mixaviat I think now I could make the register in Stevie. Thanks!
  4. I am trying to transfer my account from the server Johnny, to Stevie I read the wiki (http://wiki.helionet...ng_your_account) and follow the instructions. I wonder if there is any way by which I can check if my account was completely closed to open a new one, the wiki says that is approximately 48 hours, but accessing the address of my site I get the ¨HelioHost Account Suspended¨ message, trying to log into the old account, says it does not exist and using the script check the status of the account I get the message: I just think my old account has already been deleted. But when trying to create a new I get the following message I'm trying to create a user account with the same name, I would like to know if the procedure that I performed is correct and I just need wait a little longer or I did something wrong? Thanks in advance, and Happy Holidays
  5. Que tipo de servidor é ? Edit: Não sei se é o caso, mas caso esteja tentando hospedar um servidor que roda em um computador windows com o intuito de deixa-ló 24h não vai funcionar, agora caso tenha hospedado um CMS precise fazer a conexão do banco de dados com o seu emulador local esse serviço de hospedagem, como comentado acima, não tem bloqueios de ip, logo o problema na conexão é local, dá uma verificada ae.
  6. PT: Cara me explica em portugues, caso sua dúvida seja interessante eu traduzo para eles. EN: Explain your doubts, and I translate.
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