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Everything posted by tudor357

  1. user: tudor357 Hi, I encounter the "data error" on cpanel. What I have done, was to upload some files to public_html. The upload took to much and I refreshed the page. Then the "data error" popped up and I could not acces the files from public_html. When I try to access the website(www.cadastrubacau.ro) I get: "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request." I think that is a cache problem. Can anyone help me? Thanks, Tudor
  2. problem solved! thank you so much!
  3. Thank you for your quick answer. I get the same error. Should I wait 48 hours after the redundant account was deleted ? http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account
  4. Hello, I was an user with two accounts: tudor357 and tudor753. I didn't know that I can host multiple sites on a single account. Now my active user is tudor357. I want to host on my current account another site, "cadastru-bacau.ro", that was hosted on tudor753. When I try to add the addon domain I get the following error: Error from park wrapper: cadastru-bacau.ro is already configured. Sorry, that domain is already setup (remove it from httpd.conf). Can you solve my problem? If user tudor753 was not deleted, please delete it. Thanks in advance, Tudor
  5. username : tudor357 server : stevie domain : cadastrubacau.ro username : tudor753 server : stevie domain : cadastru-bacau.ro I was suspended for having multiple accounts. I did not know that I can host multiple sites using one account. If I may, i wish to keep my first account: tudor357. If possible, I would like a backup of the site cadastru-bacau.ro emailed to the contact address. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have cause to you, Tudor
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